Last Friday I debated atheist Eddie Tabash at the SUB ballroom at the University of Idaho, and I was certainly pleased at how the evening went. I had debated him once before, six years ago, and would particularly like to thank Eddie for his personal cordiality — in both our debates. The Monday before that, …
Despite Ike, the Convention Center is Still There
If you are planning to attend our minsterial conference in a few weeks, here is a quick nudge to let you know that regular price registration ends a week from Friday, on October 3. You can still register after that, but it costs a bit more.
And Be Sure to Check Out the Video
There are lots of roads to drive down as you make your way to get the book.
Just a Little Favor?
Starting tomorrow, my debate with Christopher Hitchens is supposed to be placed in the front of all the Barnes & Noble stores around the country. I think there are about 700 hundred locations. So if you are out and about tomorrow, running errands or whatnot, could you please do me a favor? Could you just …
Three Cheers for Anglicans, the Kind Who Believe the Bible
I need to pass on the word about a new theological journal — The North American Anglican. I know that a number of you probably ought to be thinking about their first issue, the table of contents for which can be found here. Some sample articles are here, and you can subscribe here. I know …
I Don’t Usually Link to Blogs Like This. Humor Me.
One of the more influential design blogs out there is called Design Mom, and she has just featured my daughter’s Amoretti line of skirties. Take a look here.
This Atheist Crew
The title is taken from Paradise Lost, which I am currently listening to (piecemeal) in my truck. Moscow is not very big, and so I usually only get three or four minutes at a time. That said, listening to that glorious poem read is far more compelling than simply reading it quietly to yourself. At …
More on Moody Radio
Yesterday’s discussion on Moody radio can be found here. Monday’s discussion was on the blessing that Christianity has been for the realm of politics. Tuesday’s discussion was on the blessing that Christianity has been to the Academy. The discussion starts around minute 47.
And Another Thing . . .
I mentioned a week or two ago that I was interviewed for the Moody radio network with reference to the debate book with Christopher Hitchens. We recorded some short segments to be aired over the course of the week. I am being interviewed by Greg Wheatley on Prime Time America. The first installment (on politics) …
Get ‘Em While They’re Hotcakes
Some fun news this morning—when I checked the Amazon rankings, Is Christianity Good for the World? had broken the 10,000 barrier (9,652), which is something I think we should be able to deal with. But the reason for bringing it up is to remind you to get your copies from Barnes & Noble or Amazon. …