Introduction: In order to be able to conduct an analysis such as this, I must first review my bona fides with regard to my position within the patriarchy. I refer to the one that the feminists ...
And a Well Done for Abigail
Introduction: Over the years, I have had periodic occasion to wish that more Christian women in bad situations would show the courage and initiative shown by the biblical heroine Abigail. I ...
A Sexual Marketplace
So the reasons for a young man marrying young, as outlined elsewhere, seem fairly compelling. So why are so few young men doing this? What is the hold up? Why can’t they get with the program? The short answer is that people respond to incentives and they respond to disincentives also. These incentives and disincentives …
Olympic Blasphemy Because, Why Not?
The blasphemous fiasco of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics blew up while I was traveling, and so I begin by recognizing that I am late to the party. I would apologize for that if it were in any ...
Smashmouth Incrementalism and the Trump Train
Introduction: The last month has seen a number of remarkable and momentous events. We may begin with Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance, the pressure on him to step down, and the palace intrigue ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (8)
Sexual Decorum in the Home: Sermon Video Introduction: In some ways, this message will be like a lesson in firearms safety—one of the basic rules of firearm safety is that you should always ...
What Is a Man?
Remarks for Refresh Ministries/Boston 2024 I must begin with my gratitude to your organizers for having been invited to an event such as this. And I bring you greetings from your younger sister Idaho, ...
Mr. George Knightley, Groomer
September 25, 1817 Reverend Sir, I am mindful, as always, of the great debt that we owe to your eminence, and we are as well grateful for the spiritual oversight you so graciously provide for your people. In the two years since the marriage of Mr. Knightley to Miss Wodehouse, my husband and I have …
Wokescolds Circling Over Dallas
Introduction: Okay, so a week or so ago now, yet another problematic situation surfaced in Dallas. Josh Howerton, a pastor of a megachurch there, had told a joke in a sermon a month or so before ...
FAQs on Men, Women, and Sexuality
Would you call yourself an advocate of patriarchy or an advocate of complementarianism? I would want to call myself patriarchal. Complementarians want to honor the teaching of Scripture on submission, but they tend to restrict that understanding to keeping women out of the pulpits of churches, and by teaching male headship in the home. But …