Okay, here’s the deal. My debate exchange with Christopher Hitchens has now been released in book form, but if you want it right away, I need to explain to you the best way to get it. We have ourselves what publishers consider to be a pleasant kind of problem. The book is published by Canon …
Red State Readers
This is really cool. Amazon has a map up that shows America in its familiar red state/blue state guise, only this time the calculations are based, not on votes, but on book purchases. That map can be found here. The results are pretty surprising.
An Epithalamium for the Church
Yesterday I preached on Psalm 45, a glorious wedding poem.
Africa and the North
The latest Credenda is now out. You may start checking your mailboxes now. If you don’t get the hardcopy, then you can subscribe here.
A New Grad Program
We are really excited about this new grad program, partly because it enables Peter Leithart to show off a portion of his library. If you ever see the whole collection, you would agree with me that it just isn’t right for one man to have all those books. Excuse me . . . got derailed …
Speaking in London
Lord willing, I will be speaking at a conference in London this coming February. More information can be gathered here at the conference web site.
The Pink Longhorn Blog
Many of you know that my daughter has a line of designer skivv . . . uh, skirties, and is also willing to explain to you what skirties are exactly, and why you need them. She has just started up a blog, the better to do that with, and you can find it here.
When God Doesn”t Appear to Want to Wake Up
Last Lord’s Day the message was on Psalm 44, and you can find it here.
Web-Based Grading
As the new school year starts up, let me take a brief moment for a product plug. New St. Andrews is testdriving a new college management system (for grades, attendance, communications, and more). The old system we had generally made work for me instead of working for me. If you are a college looking for …
Science Camp
Here is a press release from NSA that many of you may find interesting: NSA offers homeschoolers day-long Field Entomology Science Camp Parents can choose option that turns Oct. 10 camp into unit study Homeschoolers in the Pacific Northwest now have another option when it comes to teaching biology to their juniors and seniors. This …