Introduction: The great Richard Weaver taught us that ideas have consequences. But when they have massive cultural consequences, the mechanism works differently than it does when a solitary individual ...
Christian Nationalism Basics
Introduction: You don't really have to like the term Christian nationalism, not at all. But given the times in which we live, you do have to understand it. This should be done without freaking ...
Laced With Poo
As some of you are aware, Refuge Church in Ogden, Utah has a growing voice in our cultural melee (especially on X), and they are aligned with us in many ways. However, much like Revoice attempted to keep the door of flamer sympathy cracked open in the PCA, the leadership in Ogden continues to conduct …
A Lop-Eared Son of a Sea Cook
Introduction: Some have raised a question about the propriety of my Haman letter at such a time as this. The question is whether we really need to debate this Jew thing during this season of Christmas. ...
That Hellcat (((Esther))) and Haman, the First Martyr of Noticing
Dear comrades and brothers in arms, I am writing to you three weeks after the funeral of Haman, and two weeks after the horrific putsch, orchestrated by that pestilent fellow (((Mordecai))). Insolent Jew. Pretends to be loyal to the God of his fathers, but then swanks around in that adopted name of Mordecai—dedicated to Marduk, …
7 Opportunities in the Trump Reprieve
Introduction: The results of the election have brought about a palpable sense of relief among conservative Christians. None of us will have to announce to our families, two days after the Inauguration, ...
TheoFoes, TheoBros, and Mother Jones in TheoThroes
Introduction: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." William F. Buckley ...
On Churchill and the Pulling Down of Statues
Introduction: The issue for me is not that questions have been raised about Churchill and the Second World War. Anybody who has read anything at all about the tangled issues involved in that ...
What’s Wrong With Human Rights?
Introduction: As I never tire of saying, all of our current cultural difficulties and challenges are the result of a pitched battle over editorial control of the dictionary. Everything comes ...
Love Must Be Uneven to Be True
Introduction: In a world filled with leftist levelers, one of the central duties of faithful Christians should be to keep everything as uneven as we can. It should be uneven and still truly loving, ...