Content Cluster Muster [10-10-24]

Deal With It at the Next Rest Stop: Red Box Road: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Like an Ice Breaker: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Renato Muccillo Featured Product: Education (Chrestomathy):This small book is a collection of my quotations on the subject of education, taken from sources all over tarnation. The word chrestomathy refers …

Content Cluster Muster [10-03-24]

Mastering Physical Comedy by Mastering Physics: Fun One: More here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Wisdom from the Bumper: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Another Podcast: And Yet Another One: Featured Product: Chestertonian Calvinism:For a number of years now, we have been urging the adoption of a Chestertonian Calvinism. For those acquainted with the …

Content Cluster Muster [09-26-24]

A Call Back to the Days of Wholesome Entertainment: Just Right: More here . . . Have To Admit I Enjoyed This Exchange: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Avoiding a Government Shutdown: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Jan Min Featured Product: The Parables of Our Lord Jesus Harmonized:How are we to read and understand …

Content Cluster Muster [09-19-24]

Another Smashmouth Reminder: When the Apostle Paul first arrived in Rome, he didn’t pay any attention to the gladiatorial games at all. He did not have his followers start circulating petitions to “end the games now.” He had other fish to fry. He needed to do what he could to establish and encourage the…— …

Content Cluster Muster [09-12-24]

For Your Edification: That’ll Water Your Lawn: Quite the Colors: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Keeps the Memory Sharp: Hearing From Both Sides: Getting Out of the Daycare Business: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Igor Pozdeev Featured Product: Hadassah:This is the book of Esther in the form of a screenplay, in a steampunk setting, …

Content Cluster Muster [09-05-24]

Ministry in Boise Area?: I am passing this on on behalf of my friends at King’s Congregation in Boise. The King’s Congregation in Meridian, Idaho is seeking to call a full-time Assistant Pastor. By God’s grace, we have reached capacity at our current location (The Ambrose School) and are in the process of starting a …

Content Cluster Muster [08-29-24]

Skills: Open Winter Road: More here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Or Perhaps the Seventh Hour: HT: Samuel Cherubin: About Sums It Up: This Also Sums It Up: Featured Product: All the Condemnation in the World:A statement of the gospel, that gospel which vanquishes the spirit of accusation. $1.00 Shop now

Content Cluster Muster [08-22-24]

Public Service Announcement: Some of you astute types have noticed a few times in the last several months where this feature appears, if at all, in some misbegotten shape. This has been a function of me being very busy, and getting old, and forgetting. Thank you for your understanding. Leaning In to Criticism: Sent by …

Content Cluster Muster [08-08-24]

How Come One Guy is Wearing a Blue Jacket?: A Legit Appeal: I am passing on an appeal from some friends in Eastern Europe. The work being done there is heroic, so if you have room to give, please consider it. Dear Fathers and Brothers, Last week, Bogumil Jarmulak, Attila Hajdu, Andrew Richardson, and Garry …