Just a Little Favor?

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Starting tomorrow, my debate with Christopher Hitchens is supposed to be placed in the front of all the Barnes & Noble stores around the country. I think there are about 700 hundred locations. So if you are out and about tomorrow, running errands or whatnot, could you please do me a favor? Could you just take a look, see if the book is being displayed there, and then post the location of the store here in the comments section? For various reasons that I need not get into, that info would be very useful to us. Thanks mucho, as we bilingual people sometimes say.

And for a little blogspotting, mention of the book in two interesting places should be noted. First, at National Review Online, Jonah Goldberg says something about the book at the end of a very interesting post on the gullibility of secularists when it comes to the paranormal. Turns out that secular liberation from superstition doesn’t really liberate you from superstition. But we already knew that. And in another place, a blog dedicated to tracking the doings of Christopher has noted the book.

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