And for some more fun news, in addition to all the Canon titles that Logos Bible Software has picked up, they now have a package available for a number of my books. Just the other day someone here at presbytery asked where I had written on a particular something, and I knew that I had, …
How I Got a Hitch in my Getalong
Well, I have to say that I am pretty pleased about this. Here is a brief itinerary for a short book tour and debate that I will be conducting along with Christopher Hitchens. This is still pretty general, and I will follow it up with more details as I get them. On October 29, we …
Medieval Christmas
Here’s a good thing that wants some pushing along. Some friends of this blog are in a band, see? And they did a concert of medieval Christmas music, which of course is always a lot of fun. They have a CD of the music available, as well as a DVD of a concert containing that …
The God of Sex
This link sends you to a program of book recommends that Canon operates. This selection is a book I have mentioned here more than once. Or click on the picture.
You Say You Want a Reformation . . .
Frank of Canon Press fame popped into my office just a bit ago to let me know that this little book arrived back from the printers, and did so a bit early. Here is some ad copy from the Canon web page: A Primer on Worship and Reformation proposes that true change begins, not with …
Wealth and Death
As providence would have it, this message on Psalm 49 was preached a week or so after a trillion or so dollars in the U.S. economy just went poof. Some god.
Canon Everywhere
I recently wrote a review of Logos Bible Software, which I am using and enjoying immensely. If you have that software, you might be interested in the availability of many Canon Press titles. Check here and here. And I believe there will be additional announcements soon.
Christ and His Rivals
I am pleased to announce that Athanasius Press has released a commentary on Hebrews that I have written, entitled Christ and His Rivals. The book is now available, and can be obtained directly from Athanasius or from Canon. And while I have your attention, let me mention that Nancy has just finished a Bible study …
Pre-Release Giveaway
Over at Nate’s new blog, here, he is orchestrating a fun giveaway. The release date for the next Cupboards book is not until February, but he has some Advance Reader Copies to give away. However, you can’t find out how to enter here at this blog. You have to go there, to that blog.
Steve: A Blog
My son Nate has had a web site for a while for his books, which you can find here. But he has just starting blogging about the ins and outs of writing, and you can find out all about that here.