Ten Theses on Postmodernism

This post originally ran May 10, 2010. 1. Truth is objective, ultimate, absolute, personal, alive, and triune. 2. Because of this ultimate reality, it is possible for creatures who were fashioned by this living God to know Him as the personal and ultimate truth, as well as to know lesser truths in the created world …

Climate Change and Subjectivism

There are many reasons C.S. Lewis has been a prophet for our time, but one of the central ones was his hatred of relativistic subjectivism. He did this by according right reason its proper place in the pursuit of truth, a place of final authority, and without abandoning the rich fields of the imagination. In …

Wide Phylactery Warehouse

Let us begin by making a distinction between white people and people struggling with their superabundance of whiteness. The former is a biological category, and is found in the children’s song about how Jesus loves the little children. This kind of white rhymes with “precious in His sight,” and is just part of the cost …

Mystery and Contradiction

The other day I said this about logic: “if it is a wooly-mindedness that is embraced on purpose, it is heresy. This is because denying the law of non-contradiction is the royal gateway to every heresy imaginable.” Given the incoherent nature of the days we live in, I thought it was neccessary to unpack this …

Outside the Pearlies

Back at the second infamous Auburn Avenue conference, when representatives of “both sides” were trying to work something out, one particular clash came over the definition of heresy. The representatives of the TRs were taking any doctrine that was out of accord with the Westminster Confession as heresy. There are enormous problems with this, as …

So Go Nomo to the Pomo

So I have written about the problems of postmodernism, what I have called the problem of European brain snakes. This might seem a little dismissive, but it all works out, because it actually is dismissive. Allow me to collect my thoughts on this in one place. First, postmodernism, and all the posturing and posing connected …

Largeness of Heart

When God blesses Solomon, He does it by granting wisdom and understanding, but another thing is mentioned as well. “And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore” (1 Kings 4:29). This was connected to God blessing Solomon for rule. He …

Why Lies Digest So Well

As Flannery O’Connor put it, “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” But a falsehood, as Chesterton notes, is engineered precisely so that the listeners would in fact be able to stomach it. Stomachability is a design feature when it comes to a lie. Who would invent lies that nobody …