Book of the Month/January 2025
One aspect of our morning routine is that Nancy and I read together. We each have our own Bible reading and devotional time, but then we come together to read and pray. We pray for our people, and pray for the day. We also read through the New Testament together, and in addition to that, …
Book of the Month/December 2024
The board of New St. Andrews College meets four times a year. One of the things that we do together is assign a book at each board meeting, and we read it together with a plan to discuss it at the following meeting. It is quite a beneficial exercise, and there is a wide array …
Love for Your People, Disordered Affections, and Failing the Stress Test
Introduction: At the end of last month, I posted a thread of eleven comments on what I was there calling Hell-no-nationalism. It stirred the pot significantly, garnering almost 300K looks, and if we ...
Coalitions and Weirdos
Dear Gavin, Thanks for the nudge. We apparently got distracted from our task. Your letter reminded me that we still have a considerable amount of ground to get to. So we already covered how it is okay to be white. Radical, I know. People who are white should be grateful to God for it, but …
Prop 1: A Five Gallon Bucket of Bad Ideas
Introduction: I would like to take a moment, dear reader, to explain why ranked-choice-voting is a really bad idea. I am doing this because certain malevolent forces have managed to get the option of approving said ranked-choice voting onto the ballot this November in Idaho. I said that this was a really bad idea, but …
7 Theses on Educating Your Daughters
Statement of the Issue: In the burgeoning reaction to egalitarian feminism, a reactionary subculture has started to take shape in the conservative evangelical world, one that is willing to disparage the idea of providing daughters with a rigorous education, particularly at the college level. Below I post seven theses that indicate why I believe this …
Why Your Vote Is No Sacrament
Dear Gavin, As we have been corresponding about identity issues, and particularly the ethnic ramifications of them, it seems that another presidential election has crept up behind us unawares. Naturally someone in your position is going to ask what on earth he is supposed to do. Or, given the larger issues we have been discussing …
Fifty Shades of Prey
Back in 2012, I wrote a piece for The Huffington Post on the Fifty Shades of Grey business. Given that they are no longer as proud of it as they once were, as indicated by this notice—"This post was ...
Narnian Lessons for Idaho
Introduction: I have been urging American Christians for some time now to get reacquainted with Protestant resistance theory. This is not because I think everyone needs an odd hobby, although I do, ...