My selection for February’s book of the month is a most satisfactory book. Really good. And, not to keep you in suspense, I am talking about My Dear Hemlock by Tilly Dillehay. The very first thing to address has to do with the central conceit of the book. It is structured in the same way …
Book of the Month/January 2025
One aspect of our morning routine is that Nancy and I read together. We each have our own Bible reading and devotional time, but then we come together to read and pray. We pray for our people, and pray for the day. We also read through the New Testament together, and in addition to that, …
Book of the Month/December 2024
The board of New St. Andrews College meets four times a year. One of the things that we do together is assign a book at each board meeting, and we read it together with a plan to discuss it at the following meeting. It is quite a beneficial exercise, and there is a wide array …
Book of the Month/October 2024
John Buchan was one of those characters, larger than life. He was an author and a statesman, and profoundly Scottish. He was the son of a Scots Presbyterian minister, and is probably best known today for his book The Thirty-Nine Steps, published in 1915 That book was the first of six Richard Hannay novels—spy thrillers. …
Books Worth Reading
Talk at the Grace Agenda 2024 Pre-conference The Principles of War by Jim Wilson My father was a graduate of the Naval Academy, and studied at the Naval War College. After he got out of the Navy, in the 1960’s, he wrote a series of articles applying the classic principles of war, as outlined by …
Book of the Month/August 2024
Shepherds for Sale is an important book, and I am delighted to commend it to you. The adage “follow the money” is always a good one to remember when it comes to issues like this, and this is exactly what Megan Basham does. She follows the money and it reveals quite a tale of sad …
Book of the Month/July 2024
This book, The Unprotected Class, is a timely book, and marvelously executed. And far from being an instance of white backlash, following its sober analysis and prescriptions will be about the only way to head off the ugliness of such a reaction. In this book Jeremy Carl analyzes the results of our abandonment of the …
Book of the Month/June 2024
If I hadn’t already read it, I would want somebody to give me this book for my birthday, which is coming up. If you are a normie conservative Christian, scratching your head over what is happening to the country you grew up in, this is a book with enormous explanatory power. For those believers who …
Book of the Month/May 2024
I recall reading a bunch of A.W. Tozer during my time in the Navy, but I can’t dredge up the titles because that was before I started keeping a reading log, and it was a long time ago. But he did have a big impact on me, a fact I remember quite well. I do …
Book of the Month/February 2024
Apart from any of the specifics, there are a number of obvious things about this book by Rosaria Butterfield. The first is that she serves a very good God. The second is that she has a very good husband. The third is that she has a really fine pastor. And God in His goodness gave …