We are starting to get thoughtful disagreements to our latest edition of Credenda, particularly on the issue of “owning the curse.” There is much to clarify and discuss, and after that, to debate, but allow me to head off one misunderstanding that I see developing right now. “Owning the curse” does not mean capitulation to …
Feminism and the Trinity
One of the central idolatrous ideologies of our day is feminism. Although it is just one of the hydra heads (the monster being egalitarianism), it is nevertheless one of the most important hydra heads. This is because God created us male and female, and our sexual identity is right at the center of the image …
The Politics of Sodomy: Not Whether But Which
INTRODUCTION In many respects, we are like a man who lives in a house that is increasingly cluttered and trashed. When the day finally arrives when it becomes obvious that he must do something, it is equally obvious at the same time, that he has no idea what to do, or where to start. He …
The Politics of Sodomy: The Real Sin of Sodom
INTRODUCTION What could possibly be meant, “The Real Sin of Sodom?” Isn’t is obvious? The sin of homosexual behavior draws its name from Sodom. What could be more obvious? And should we be suspicious of any attempt to draw our attention elsewhere? As always, the answer to such questions is, “It depends.” THE TEXT Behold, …
Your Bastard Child
We are nearing the end of the first week of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. It is easy enough to see the incoherence of this dead end, but hard for us to see where it all started. It is especially hard for evangelical Christians to see where it all began, because it all began with us, …
Massachusetts Hate
Today marks the second day of Massachusetts’ court ordered, legally sanctioned hatred of bisexuals. By limiting marriage licenses to two and only two people, they have clearly displayed their deep seated animus toward those differently wired people/persons/bi-pedal carbon units who have a sexual attraction for both sexes. Clearly, one beloved cannot be both sexes. However …
Chicks in Chain Mail
The more our modern social engineers mess with the natural order of things, the more evident it becomes that cultures, like individuals, reap what they sow. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. Sow folly and you reap the whirlfolly. Still more evidence for this, as if we needed more evidence, is the nature …
Thanks for Coming, Officer
The state of mind called Massachusetts is all set for homosexual marriages on Monday. A friend of mine put it well this morning. “Oh, great. Now John Kerry can marry Ted Kennedy.” Here is how the political skirmishing will go. Homosexual marriage, once legal in one state, will attract homosexual couples from the other 49 …