Mr. George Knightley, Groomer

September 25, 1817 Reverend Sir, I am mindful, as always, of the great debt that we owe to your eminence, and we are as well grateful for the spiritual oversight you so graciously provide for your people. In the two years since the marriage of Mr. Knightley to Miss Wodehouse, my husband and I have …

FAQs on Men, Women, and Sexuality

Would you call yourself an advocate of patriarchy or an advocate of complementarianism? I would want to call myself patriarchal. Complementarians want to honor the teaching of Scripture on submission, but they tend to restrict that understanding to keeping women out of the pulpits of churches, and by teaching male headship in the home. But …

Sexual Shenanigans in High Places

Introduction: So this last week saw a number of tawdry details about politicians’ lives come tumbling out into public view. No, no, I don’t mean anyone from Epstein’s client list. No, friends, let’s be realistic. What are you, crazy? A Quick Run Down: There was the Democrat lady, Susanna Gibson, running for state rep in …