Part of the Problem

President Bush was recently in Turkey, and while there he commended that nation for having secular laws and simultaneously being a people of faith. This kind of compartmentalization that we are exporting around the world (entrenched as a way of life here) is precisely the attitude that is crippling the American church. The fact that …

The Politics of Sodomy: Has It Come to That?

INTRODUCTION Often we confront problems in our individual lives, or in our families, and after we have exhausted all the possibilities in our hunt for a solution, we ask others to pray for us. “Oh,” some might be tempted to think. “Has it come to that?” We must learn to begin where we are sometimes …

Feminism and the Trinity

One of the central idolatrous ideologies of our day is feminism. Although it is just one of the hydra heads (the monster being egalitarianism), it is nevertheless one of the most important hydra heads. This is because God created us male and female, and our sexual identity is right at the center of the image …

The Politics of Sodomy: The Real Sin of Sodom

INTRODUCTION What could possibly be meant, “The Real Sin of Sodom?” Isn’t is obvious? The sin of homosexual behavior draws its name from Sodom. What could be more obvious? And should we be suspicious of any attempt to draw our attention elsewhere? As always, the answer to such questions is, “It depends.” THE TEXT Behold, …

Massachusetts Hate

Today marks the second day of Massachusetts’ court ordered, legally sanctioned hatred of bisexuals. By limiting marriage licenses to two and only two people, they have clearly displayed their deep seated animus toward those differently wired people/persons/bi-pedal carbon units who have a sexual attraction for both sexes. Clearly, one beloved cannot be both sexes. However …