Dear visionaries, Jon opposes the death penalty for various reasons, but one of them is that the innocent have sometimes been punished. But this is no reason for opposing the death penalty — it is an argument for judicial reform. We don’t want the innocent spending the rest of their lives in the slammer either. …
Pillared Majesty
Pillared majesty shapes the halls of God, Each pillar bears the weight of holiness. The floors of the colonnade are emerald green, With marbled streaks of glory. Shekinah smoke is clean like mountain air, And yet so dense that sinners cannot breathe. The central hall ascends to all the thrones, Where elders and their crowns …
The God Who Obeys
Once there was a man whose marriage was on the rocks. It had been on the rocks for some years, but he had just found out about it. This was quite a shock to his system, because for some time he had used bluster, bravado, and bullying to keep anyone from saying anything that might …
Whose Truth?
Dear visionaries, Jennifer asked: “And whose truth are you speaking of? Yours, Ted’s, Charles Manson’s, Martha Stuart’s, Joe Blow’s, Jane Doe’s? Are you the sole arbiter of what’s true?” I don’t object at all to this question — because it is the same question I have been posing since I began posting to this list. …
Universal Acid
Dear visionaries, Stan responded, “But consider the case of a murder colony . . . the law in the USA would NOT allow such conduct.” Unless, to take one obvious example, the murder colony is called the bombing of Dresden. Stan also said:” “He would have to fight against and oppose almost all wars the …
Mountainous Grace
Your might and majesty, O Lord are mountainous grace. We bless Your beauty, the beauty of holiness. The glory of Your goodness is the glory of the only begotten, The Son of our salvation, our Savior who purchased us. We come now, confessing, we cannot be restrained. The sanctuary stones cry out—can living stones be …
Pots and Vats
Once there were two boys playing the back yard. They were both good friends, and they got along well for the most part. But one of them had a quick temper, and occasionally he would lose it, and I have to say he had hurt his good friend more than once. But the curious thing …
The Mantle of Momentum
I have said in this space before that I do not have a great deal of faith in polls. I don’t think we have the ability to interview 250 Americans, render general by induction, and determine what candidate 250 million Americans actually favor. But another observation needs to be linked to this. It doesn’t matter …
Dogpile Dan
Despite the fact that I remain above the fray, and the fact that I don’t know who I am going to vote for, the current set-up has its inspiring moments. The current inspiration is the nation-wide journalistic dogpile with Dan Rather on the bottom of it.
Wishing I Could Vote for Bush
There are quite a few reasons, actually. But none of them push me over the line. After eight years of Clinton, it has been comparatively pleasant to have a government staffed with grown-ups. Add to that the fact that Jean-Francois Kerry is, in countless ways, insufferable. N’est pas? Couple this with the fact that Bush …