Trinity Fest 2005, Day Three

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Don’t have much time to write about this because I am tired from the proceedings, and am about to go to bed. The official history conference (encased like one of those Russian dolls inside the larger Trinity Fest) started today at the Kibbie Dome at noon. Great set-up there, and the folks at the Kibbie have been fantastic. There were three talks today, two by Steve Wilkins and one by me. Steve spoke on the dissolute life-styles of many British officials prior to the war, and also gave us a biographical overview of the life of Lighthorse Harry Lee. My talk was on the “Black Regiment,” the black-robed Presbyterian clergymen who were so influential in the War for Independence.

NSA began distributing little stress balls, with the NSA logo, along with an inscription that read something like Moscow Zoning Complaint stress ball. A small donation to NSA’s legal defense fund will get you one, and they come in lots of happy colors.

After all that it was time to head off to the Latah County Fairgrounds for St. Brigid’s feast — named after the hospitable nun from early church history who hoped that heaven contained a lake of beer so that she could continue to entertain the saints and show hospitality on a larger scale. Speaking of a “larger scale,” there were about 850 people enjoying the barbequed chicken, rolls, grapes, salad, and then pie and ice cream. Woof.

On the way home, we drove by East City Park and saw that the production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was in process as we drove by. Will try to hit that tomorrow. Looked like piles of people were there.

That is it for day three, and thus far a good descriptive phrase for it all would be roaring success.

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