Dear visionaries, Thomas raises some interesting points. “Is there social harm from dogmatic fundamentalist views that will not admit . . .” But if there is demonstrable social harm that results from dogmatic fundamentalism, I wonder what the appropriate penalty might be? I don’t have to report to a reeducation center yet, do I? Seriously, …
Death Penalty II
Dear visionaries, Jamison asks if I support the death penalty for abortion clinic bombers, if the bombing were to result in the deaths of any inside. The answer yes, I do. At the same time, I do not support the death penalty being applied to children inside those same clinics. In short, I support the …
Death Penalty I
Dear visionaries, We have been asked about the contradictory positions taken, not only by absolutists, but by Christian absolutists. The example cited was that of the death penalty. But the example is poorly drawn. Everyone supports the death penalty. It is yet another example of “not whether, but which.” Do we execute the serial murderer, …
Invisible Sin
Once there was a man who did not want to admit he was wrong, about anything. Because he was a foot taller than his wife, and three feet taller than his children, and because he had a gruff voice, he was easily able to cow them into silence. His fits of anger, once sporadic, became …
Believing Your Own Propaganda
Dear visionaries, The debate between rival absolutes is one kind of debate, like the kind that happened at the battle of Tours. Obviously, when two contradictory claims of absolute truth collide, both can be wrong, but both cannot be right. The rules of engagement in this are of interest to those of us who believe …
Debating Relativism Is Like War With France
Dear visionaries, Just got back in town after a week out, and had a fun time catching up. I agree with William (!) about one post a day. What a good deal that would be. Although I am a little concerned that a liberal wants to work out this kind of a solution without the …
Lift Up Your Heads
The earth belongs to God! All it contains is only His And all who breathe are His as well. What is His right to speak this way? He fashioned all that is, He placed it on the seas. Who can ascend before His throne? Who can come before His face, Or stand within His holy …
Counting Your Shekels
The kingdom of heaven is like this. A certain merchant established his business, and he thought that God had an obligation to bless it. He took great care to do everything that he was supposed to do. He made sure the business was closed on Sunday, and he made doubly sure to tithe his profits …
Show Me How
I once heard of a husband and father who had a problem with anger. Over the years, in his treatment of his wife, and in his outbursts against his children, he taught his entire family a profound slander against God the Father. Our Father in heaven reveals his wrath against His enemies, but He bestows …
One recent political surprise is the fact that the swift boat controversy has actually become a controversy. Normally this kind of thing just gets buried. I don’t know if this issue has feet because of Internet coverage, because of Fox News, or because there are some Democrats who don’t really want a Kerry win to …