No serious participant in this debate denies that men are free, responsible agents, and that they are fully accountable for what they do. There is, however, much debate on what the word freedom means. How Does the Will Operate? Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and …
Help From the Outside
Visionaries, Ralph raised a couple questions based on the reports in the newspaper that our private Christian school was limiting board membership to men only. First, the board has not voted on that proposition. The board approved presenting the proposed change to the school’s constituency, and then collecting feedback. According to our by-laws, the board …
Not Really About the Shroud
The last few days have been kind of a circus maximus on the Shroud front. Nathan was interviewed yesterday for ABC World News Tonight, and the piece showed again on Good Morning America this morning. The Associated Press article went out today, so there should be a number of notices in newspapers around the country. …
Dragons and Drains
“It is a standing rebuke for us that there are many Christians who have an open sympathy for the ‘true’ books which Eustace read–full of true facts about governments and drains and exports–and who are suspicious of great works of imagination, like the Narnia stories, or The Lord of the Rings, or Treasure Island, because …
A True Fast
In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Christ is continuing His general point that genuine Christian living is to be before the Father, and not primarily before men. The point He makes about fasting is the same point he has already made about giving and prayer. “Moreover, when you fast, do not be …
As I have looked through my notes on the Sermon on the Mount, those going with the Lord’s Prayer have somehow vanished. So the next post will pick up at verse 16.
Schindlers” List
Terri Schiavo’s parents, the Schindlers, are continuing their desperate fight to save their daughter’s life. This is a current Schindlers’ List, but there is only one name on it. As the vigil and the appeals continue, here are just a few more scattered observations. First, as Thomas Sowell observed, this whole fiasco shows exactly how …
God Gave the Increase
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 39 No one controls his own life. No businessman controls the variables that govern the success of his business. At the same time, there is a correlation between our behavior and whether we prosper or not. When we see this …
Terri Schiavo
As we speak, by order of the court, Terri Schiavo is being starved to death in Florida. But there are other victims, among them the godly use of words. When men want to obscure their lusts, or hide their greed, they always create a fog of words. Obscure, deny, lie, evade, change, slice, spin, and …
Two Idols on a Shelf
I am grateful that Andrew Sandlin recently posted reasons to be concerned about postmodern eclectism. But he also voiced reasons for cautious optimism in embracing postmodern eclecticism, and this is the nub of our difference, as I see it. Andrew’s reason for accepting this eclectism is that it “breaks the back of ideologues and sectarians.” …