Hate Crimes and Private Property

Dear visionaries, Now that some progressives have been revealed as malice and/or ignorance mongers with regard to Christian businesses, I want to add two cents on the individual rights front — because this is where a far more important issue is. This also relates to our other discussion on hate crimes — which is increasingly …

Discrimination and Puppy Victims

Dear visionaries, A leader in our town’s liberal elite doesn’t think kicking puppies is a discriminatory event? Where is PETA when you need them? Cordially, Douglas Wilson “Homophobes are people too.” Charlesmagne “Apologetics in the Void” are repostings from an on-going electronic discussion and debate I had some time ago with members of our local …

Foundations of Marriage III

Introduction: We are beginning this series on marriage with a short introductory series on why teaching on marriage frequently does no good at all. The first reason we considered was discontent, because discontented people are unteachable. The second stumbling block is our tendency to trust in the letter of the law, instead of trusting in …