Faithfulness Is Full of Faith

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If we do not think about what we are doing here, and if we do not think about it in faith, then we are just so many donkeys gathered in a stable.

The New Testament teaches plainly that a Christian gathering, in the name of the Lord Jesus, on the Lord’s Day, can do more harm than good. We are the covenant people of God, and this means that there are no automatic blessings. Every covenant has attendant blessings and curses curses for unfaithfulness, and blessings for faithfulness. And remember that faithfulness is full of faith, not full of autonomous works. But if you come here without faith, you do not stay where you were — you lose ground. If you come in faith, even the size of a mustard seed, God works the glories of the covenant into you. Do you want this?

You are Christian people, and you are summoned to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. You are summoned to glory in the unity of the saints, the oil in Aaron’s beard. You are summoned to add your voices to the heavenly choir. You are summoned to listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd. You are called, through the kindness of our great God and Savior, to come.

Do not pretend to come by coming to this room. Come, come with us into the heavenlies, where all true worship is offered, and come in the only vehicle that can take you there. Come with us in faith.

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