Introduction: Someone once observed, sagely, that it is not necessary to choose up sides in an ethnic war. The other side does that for you. Put another way, there are some things you can’t opt out of. But considered from another angle, in the meantime there are certain things that Christians should strive to understand …
America, Black and Blue
In the aftermath of this most recent series of tragic shootings — Minneapolis, Baton Rouge, and Dallas — the spiritual disarray of our nation is manifest in how we tend immediately to cluster into two groups. One identifies with anger at injustice and the other identifies with the need for order and calls urgently for …
This Crimson Carnage
I begin by saying that I think of the American flag with affection, respect and sorrow. I think of what it used to represent, what it ought to represent, and what it periodically still represents. The sorrow has to do with what our ruling elites are insisting that it must come to represent, and the …
Two Short of Kevin Bacon
Published in Daily News in the summer of 2015 Unfortunate is too mild a word to describe Nick Gier’s most recent foray into an old controversy (6/25/15). I do not mind a controversy when controversy is absolutely necessary, but it really isn’t called for in this instance. Christ Church is a church that has many …
The Bill Ayers Kind of Bomb
Ran in the Daily News May 3, 2017 A lot needs to be covered here so I guess I should jump right in. Lee Rozen recently argued that I seem to be proud of my “anti-gay, pro-slavery, patriarchal provocateur status.” First, I have never been pro-slavery. That is simply false. The debates I have been …
Q Denver
A number of months ago I received a very gracious invitation to speak at the Q conference, this year to be held in Denver. I wrote back, saying that I was interested, but mentioned that they might want to google my name or something — for not everyone in their circles thinks I am wonderful. …
Old Glory and Abortion
In the aftermath of the horrific shooting in South Carolina, a cry has arisen calling for the Confederate flag that flies on the capitol grounds in South Carolina to be taken down. Russell Moore has joined in the call, and I have been called out on Twitter to do the same. Let me explain my …
Arms Full of Justice Swag
In light of the recent events in Baltimore, everyone wants to have an honest conversation about race. The difficulty is that in this honest conversation about race, nobody is allowed to say anything that is true. We have gotten to the point where the simple truth is inflammatory. Now the obvious truth should be about …
Racial Animosity
The cross of Christ deals with real sins, not imaginary ones. It deals with real sins by offering free and full forgiveness. It “deals” with imaginary sins by enabling us to see them for what they are — vain constructions of our own imaginations. When it comes to issues of race, the cross of Christ …
Skin and Blood
As recent events to Ferguson demonstrate, lawlessness dislocates everything in the system, up-and-down the entire line. People are complicated, especially when they are in sin, and situations are complex. So when people make up their minds about a particular allegation based entirely on the color of the participants, they are establishing nothing other than their …