Over the years, as I have written on culture and race, I have had to write on two fronts. In order to engage with the MSNBC-approved narrative, I need to engage with the Black Lives Matter kind of evil, which is all the thing these days. It is evil and popular with the cool kids. …
On Not Blowing Sunshine
Introduction: A few weeks ago, Thabiti contributed to our ongoing discussion of the presidential election and race relations with this post. I responded briefly here, and promised to say more about it later on. It is now later on, and so here I am. Productive Discussions: Thabiti said that he and I manage to have …
Thabiti and Thanks
I would like to say a few brief words about Thabiti’s latest, and at the same time promise to respond more extensively to his (most gracious) admonitions in a week or two. The reason for that delay is that I really want to take to heart anything and everything I can, and not just automatically …
John the Baptist’s Yard Sign
Introduction: A few days ago, I replied to Thabiti’s initial post about how he felt constrained to support Hillary as the lesser of two evils. He was kind enough to issue a rejoinder here, and now with the tennis ball over here in front of me again, I suppose it is my turn. Before getting …
How Many Chicagos?
Introduction Allow me to begin by giving you all a round-up of links that offer some very different perspectives on Debacle 2016. Wayne Grudem presents a case arguing that Christians can vote for Donald Trump. Thabiti Anyabwile presents his reasons for voting for Hillary here, which will be the inspiration for my comments today. And …
Racial Held Evans
It is somewhat difficult for me to piece this together because Rachel Held Evans has blocked me on Twitter, and so I only get oblique references from other directions. But apparently there has been another outburst of indignation against me on Twitter for my views on race and Southern slavery, and some of her comments …
Bricks Made Out of Fog
Introduction: I would like to try to make a very simple point, but one which could be misconstrued in a thousand different ways. I would ask my friends not to do so, my enemies not to do so too violently, and for the vast horde wavering between friendship and hostility to read the whole thing …
7 Principles for Navigating Times of Racial Animosity
I have seen Jon Gabriel’s tweet many times, and unfortunately this is because there have been numerous occasions in the last few years where the snark fits like a glove. “My favorite part about the Obama era is all the racial healing.” I am old enough to remember 1967, and I am starting to feel …
What Is the Matter With Black Lives Matter?
Introduction: Taken at face value, the phrase black lives matter is a phrase that no sensible person could differ with. Of course they do. Also taken at face value, the rejoinder all lives matter is equally true. Of course they do. The reason for the back and forth, then, has nothing to do with the …
All Lies Matter
Introduction: Someone once observed, sagely, that it is not necessary to choose up sides in an ethnic war. The other side does that for you. Put another way, there are some things you can’t opt out of. But considered from another angle, in the meantime there are certain things that Christians should strive to understand …