If you are close to a writer, here is a great gift idea for commonplaces. I keep one of these in my briefcase, and when I run across an odd phrase that makes me think of another odd phrase, or an odd phrase just pops into my head, I make a point of writing it …
Building Her House
And the collection of columns that Nancy wrote for Credenda is also in. This one was printed with two different covers, so don’t let that fool you. Same book, two covers.
Trying to Get Marriage Right
In case you were interested, the new book on marriage is now in.
Round, Round, Get Around, I Get Around
Those who know me know that I do enjoy following politics, speaking and writing on the virtues that made America great. Between 2 am and 5 am, it appears that I am the Chairman of Townhall.com. And of course, there is the warm, approachable designer side of things as well. When it comes to interiors, …
Without A Bucket
I am currently reading three new books by Peter Leithart — the commentary on Kings, the book on Second Peter, which are both outstanding, and the book Deep Comedy, which promises to be the really fabulous one. I am not very far into them yet, but am certainly far enough in to see that Peter …
Debating on the Internet
Debating on the Internet Two victim cards, neither of which worked. The Dove campaign on beauty has something really interesting here. But when they observe, “no wonder our concept of beauty is distorted,” I think they are missing something important. We have to be careful not to let egalitarianism creep in here. There is a …
A Little Bit Thin
Posting might be a little bit thin for a few days. We just finished our ministerial conference in Moscow yesterday, and are now in Bellevue for the 2006 meeting of Anselm Presbytery. Augustine Presbytery met on the East Coast last week, and, from what we hear, they had a glorious time. At any rate, things …
A Spate of New Books
I mentioned in a recent blog post that a spate of new books from Canon Press was about to arrive. Well, they are all at the printers, and so you can start ordering them now. In fact, on most of these, if you order now they have a deal on shipping costs. Take a gander. …
Not A Parody. I Repeat . . .
This is what you get when you allow women preachers. Or, rather, this is what you don’t get. Or something.
Shakespeare the Christian
Please allow me to commend these lectures on Shakespeare by my friend Ralph Smith. If you enjoy them (and you really should), there are more coming.