After Frank Turk taunted me for being a grandfather without pictures of our new number 11, I resolved to do something about it.
Yay. More Troops.
I just finished looking over the premier issue of Salvo, and I commend it to you. A quarterly dedicated to a thoughtful engagement with the cultural follies that surround us on every side, this magazine is a welcome battalion of reinforcements in the culture wars. Check it out.
When Bread Goes Odd
We had some short showings of original films at Trinity Fest, but I was occupied with things and stuff and didn’t get to them. But afterwards, when I had a moment to breathe, I went down to Canon and got a copy of Sourdoughs by Doug Jones, and watched it at home. It was just …
Kinda Makes You Proud To Be An American
Okay. I give up. Resistence is useless. We will all be assimilated. HT: Purgatorio
Some More Theological Discourse
As my father-in-law puts it, who has more fun than people? Just think. These men could have been doing something important, like serving on the PCA committee investigating the Auburn Avenue stuff. But wait a minute . . . I think this is the committee. HT: Mark Horne
Trinity Fest Day One/Pictures
I have some bugs to work out, but I will be uploading a few pictures from Trinity Fest 2006, just finished this last week. God was good, the experience was wonderful. This is a photo of St. Brigid’s Feast on Monday night, with 760 in attendance. People came from as far away as England and Iraq. …
Trinity Fest Banner
We are gearing up for Trinity Fest the week after next — we are looking forward to a wonderful time. All systems are go, and registrations have been robust. To whet your appetite, we now have a banner over Main Street, which you can check out here.
Eating Spiritually
American Christians continue their hunt for something that will finally justify them, and that they can fit in their mouths. If that could happen, and it can’t, it would be more like Oreo cookies than this. But still . . . HT: Purgatorio
When I was looking at the posts this morning, I think I accidentally deleted somebody’s post. I don’t have any way of retrieving it, and so it that was you, sorry about that. Feel free to repost it, and I won’t do it again.
Lord Willing and the Creeks Don’t Rise
Here is the breakdown for our upcoming Trinity Fest, our second annual event of this nature and magnitude. Just around the corner, check your calenders. That Monday, after registration and kicking off with some history lectures, the party begins with St. Brigid’s Feast. Last year we consumed vast quantities of bone-in chicken swimming in a …