Stirring the Pan Ever More Vigorously

As I have written before, there are many political assessments that should be made on the basis of what everybody can see, and not on the basis of esoteric “insider” knowledge. Further, these judgments should certainly not be made on the basis of a paradigm powerful enough to invert what is obviously happening — powerful …

Doctor, You’re Cutting Too Deep. You’re Scratching the Table.

One of the temptations that comes to people who learn how to see and identify “deep structures” in a narrative — adeptly twirling chiasms they have found, or anticipataory foreshadowing motifs, or whatnot — is that they sometimes lose their ability to read what is right there on the page. They know that the Mississippi …

Laugh Like a Developmentally-Challenged Hyena

One of the things a lot of people need to learn how to do is make political determinations, whenever possible, based on the undisputed out-in-the-open facts. This is possible a lot more than is pretended otherwise. The alternative is to try to make determinations based on the contested behind-the-scenes-facts, and this is an invitation to …

How Many?

Owen Barfield once commented that what C.S. Lewis thought about everything was contained in what he said about anything. Lewis himself pointed to the opposite tendency somewhere when he said that modern men have been trained to have a dozen incompatible ideas bouncing around in their heads. But a Christian world and life view is …