So then, agreement appears to have been reached on the $800 billion 2009 Economic Illiteracy Advancement Act. In times to come, I will be writing in a bit more detail about economics, but let me say a little brief something now. In order to “invest” 800 billion into our troubled economy, the gummint must find …
Open Throttle Abortion Policies
I read about this choice one at BaylyBlog, and commend to you the observations made there. At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said this: “There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” This is chutzpah on stilts and steroids. The fact that President Obama …
Papers Please
Whenever I travel I am reminded of how clearly and inexorably we are losing our practical freedoms, under Democans and Republicrats both. Even though airplane travel is routine for millions of Americans (at any given moment, 60,000 citizens are in the air somewhere over our country), we, docile sheep all, put up with indignities that …
Spooky Numbers
A friend sent me this link and I almost posted it, and then a few days later I saw it on Mark Horne’s blog and decided to put it up here. The numbers are creepy any way you think about it, but I do wish there were another set of numbers alongside these. I believe …
HT: Right Mind
The Wahoo! Stimulus Package
Well, we are two days away from the Dawn of the Shining One, and so my thoughts have turned naturally to the coming wahoo! stimulus package, that fiscal hot air balloon with a diameter of about two miles and counting. We are talking about about a lot of money . . . actually make that …
A Judicious Temperament
I was in wait-and-see mode on Rick Warren praying at the inauguration. My initial reaction was uh oh, but being as judicious and thoughtful as I am, I thought I would wait and see what he actually said in his prayer. The upshot is that I was fully prepared to praise him for participating in …
Israel and Hamas
Before I say what I am going to say about Israel and Hamas, let me start with a few preliminaries. First, I am a Christian and this means that I believe that Jesus Christ is the only hope of every nation, and this includes Israel. This means that Muslims and Israelis both are summoned by …
Am I Missing Something?
Thus far I have seen that Bishop Tutu has called for Mugabe’s ouster in Zimbabwe, as President Sarkozy of France has also done. Well done for both those gents. I would call for it too if anybody cared. But I have not yet seen that Bishop N.T. Wright has taken this necessary step, although I …
Different Kinds of Moonbats
One of the valuable things I learned from Rushdoony was the idea of the inescapable concept. It is not whether we will impose morality through our laws, but rather which morality we will impose. It is not whether there will be an ultimate god for every political system, but rather which god it will be. …