Well, the San Bernadino sting video is now out, and ACORN has got to be reeling. But before we stick a fork in this brand of community organizing and call it done, we still have to apply the scientific method. As fascinating as these journalistic methods are, we still need a control group. We have …
It has been eight years since the horrific attack on the World Trade Towers. If all you had to go on was our typical left/right tangled discussions of the event, you would conclude either that Obama struck the right note on his international apology tour, assuming in the background of his speech that America somehow …
His Rocket Ship Jammies
I haven’t said much about the one-act kabuki theater recently witnessed in the Honduras, if you are allowed to have those there. President Zelaya was pushing through an unconstitutional referendum, designed to alter an unalterable part of the Honduras constitution — the part of their constitution prohibiting “strong man rule.” Their Supreme Court said referendum …
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The Pie Topping Left
I have been quiet about Sarah Palin for a bit, not needing my comments count to soar into the stratosphere again, but I do want to give her a little bit of free advice. If you see her, pass this on, wouldja? You clearly won the round with David Letterman, but you were sailing a …
A Perennial Question
The Republican Party is now living in a moon crater, and lo, many are bumfuzzled about what to do. At the recent conservative hoodah thingy, where Rush whipped up the true-bluers, the winner of the presidential straw poll was Mitt Romney, of all people. Now many of the good folks there might have abstained, on …
Greedmonkeys Regulated by Powermonkeys
I wrote earlier in this place that the election of Obama would be a holy cow moment for American Christians. And thus far, so has it proven to be. Because of the monkeyshines of Bush-era “capitalists,” falsely so-called, the first place that Obama’s incompetence have been given a place to shine is in the realm …
800 Billion Big Ones
So then, agreement appears to have been reached on the $800 billion 2009 Economic Illiteracy Advancement Act. In times to come, I will be writing in a bit more detail about economics, but let me say a little brief something now. In order to “invest” 800 billion into our troubled economy, the gummint must find …
Open Throttle Abortion Policies
I read about this choice one at BaylyBlog, and commend to you the observations made there. At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said this: “There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” This is chutzpah on stilts and steroids. The fact that President Obama …
Papers Please
Whenever I travel I am reminded of how clearly and inexorably we are losing our practical freedoms, under Democans and Republicrats both. Even though airplane travel is routine for millions of Americans (at any given moment, 60,000 citizens are in the air somewhere over our country), we, docile sheep all, put up with indignities that …