The Moral Necessity of Some Form of Conservatism
Now in working through this issue it is crucial that we not affirm the consequent. All cows have four legs, but having four legs doesn’t make it a cow. I would also want to insist that all lawful sexual behavior must be heterosexual, but that doesn’t make all heterosexual behavior lawful. There is a moral …
Mortifying Pride of Place
In a previous post, I chided James K.A Smith for not including the cineplex as the religious mall’s Sunday School class. I am almost done with the book now, and wanted to make a point of noting that he does in fact tackle that problem. “Over time, the theater is a kind of classroom; it …
Truth in Labeling
We should all know what it is to fall victim to a metaphor. This is like that, and it is in some ways, but then when you press it, you discover that it is not like that in lots of other ways.Consider the summary evaluation of left wing/right wing. This is saying that the hurly …
Like a Bear With a Sore Head
So then, Ron Paul was the surprise winner of the CPAC presidential straw poll, and herein lies a lesson . . . for somebody. He came in first by a long shot, Romney second, and Palin third. It may soon start to sink in on establishment republicants, who want to “harness” all that tea party …
Sarah Palin and Personal Loyalties
This will be a hard one to explain, but let me just put it out there anyway. Those who have followed the political threads on this blog will know that I like and respect Sarah Palin. This is not to say that I believe she is necessarily equipped to be president, but my reservation at …
10 Reasons Why Sarah Palin is Formidable
I haven’t posted on politics for a bit, and I thought I needed to jot down just a few things about Sarah Palin. She is a genuinely interesting figure, and so I thought I should mention ten reasons why I believe she is formidable. 1. She makes all the right people on the left go …
Panglossian Pipe Dreams
The catastrophe in Haiti is one that ought to challenge multiple cherished assumptions, but instead it is just providing us with a venue to put them all on display yet again. I have been to Port au Prince once, when I was in the Navy, and the abject poverty there, when everything was “okay,” was …
Earthly Clay on our Heavenly Boots
I want to begin by noting the importance of being loyal to a bunch of things — in every area of life. I do not speak of idolatrous loyalty, but rather a fierce kind of Chestertonian loyalty to the piles of stuff and collections of people that God surrounds all of us with. If we …
Warriors Not Thugs
“Marry, Sirs, if Merlin who was the Devil’s son was a true King’s man as ever ate bread, is it not a shame that you, being but the sons of bitches, must be rebels and regicides?” (That Hideous Strength). A fight, by its very nature, is not delicate. This is true in spiritual warfare, and …