A Few Trillion Back

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So I watched Hannity’s interview with Sarah Palin last night, and had a few brief thoughts. No detailed defenses of anything here, although I am pretty sure we will all get into the deep weeds of that discussion again sometime. Here are just a few quick takes.

First, she is clearly a very nice Christian lady.

Second, despite the first point, some might want to say that they just don’t believe she is presidential timber, they don’t believe she has “what it takes.” And I grant the point, so far as it goes. It’s not like she has won the Nobel Peace Prize or anything.

And third, it is easy to scoff at the Palin boom, or boomlet, or fad, or whatever it is, and say that it is a sign that the red states are getting desperate. Again, we can find common ground for some agreement here. A large portion of the American people went into desperation mode a few trillion back.

And last, the more I look at this “Sarah thing,” the more fascinated I am by the derangement of the Left concerning her. Aside from what is actually the case, and limiting our discussion simply to what the different sides believe to be the case, it seems to me indisputable that the Left believes her to be an enormous threat to their project, far more than conservatives believe it, by a factor of ten. If we want to know why this is, somebody ought to institute an inquiry.

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