Introduction: Some have raised a question about the propriety of my Haman letter at such a time as this. The question is whether we really need to debate this Jew thing during this season of Christmas. ...
That Hellcat (((Esther))) and Haman, the First Martyr of Noticing
Dear comrades and brothers in arms, I am writing to you three weeks after the funeral of Haman, and two weeks after the horrific putsch, orchestrated by that pestilent fellow (((Mordecai))). Insolent Jew. Pretends to be loyal to the God of his fathers, but then swanks around in that adopted name of Mordecai—dedicated to Marduk, …
On Shunning the Counsels of Denethor
I have thoughts a plenty about the splash that Rory made, and so I am just going put them down in the order that they occur to me, with perhaps some arrangement after the fact. The transitions between paragraphs may seem somewhat abrupt, and so if it seems that way to you, just say, “Ah, …
Rory Stays Put
I really do need to say something about my grandson, Rory, because when you are this proud of somebody, it is necessary to say something. As a number of you know, he is about to graduate from Columbia, and so he has been a close observer of all the recent tumult there. Last night, a …
Promo Trailer for American Milk and Honey
I have left the comments open on this one. And they will remain open until someone proves that I shouldn’t have. The book can be obtained here. Thanks very much.
Pharaohs and Herods
One of the lesser known doctrinal themes in Scripture is the idea of ethical reversals. Sometimes the reversals are connected to classes of people, and other times to ethnic groups or nations. Whenever ...
Deuteronomy and Harvest Weight
Introduction: One of the reasons that Christians get into a muddle about how their sanctification should look is that they don't know how to fit the blessings of the material world into it. Not only ...
Affection for Israel as Biblical Requirement
Introduction: This could be regarded as one of my periodic forays into the tangled thicket of "what gives with Israel?" You are to imagine it as me putting on a gray coat and blue trousers in order ...
Antisemitism as a False Flag Operation
Introduction: One of more distressing things that has happened over the last couple of years is that our old equilibrium has been knocked cock-eyed. This is certainly unsettling, but Christians ...
A Diem That Needs Some Carping
The current conflict between Israel and the United States is a really odd one. For the Israelis, the whole thing is a matter of life and death, a serious conflict. On the Obama/Kerry side of things, their behavior more closely resembles a one-sided junior high girls’ slap fight. But before getting into all that, a …