That Hellcat (((Esther))) and Haman, the First Martyr of Noticing

Dear comrades and brothers in arms, I am writing to you three weeks after the funeral of Haman, and two weeks after the horrific putsch, orchestrated by that pestilent fellow (((Mordecai))). Insolent Jew. Pretends to be loyal to the God of his fathers, but then swanks around in that adopted name of Mordecai—dedicated to Marduk, …

A Diem That Needs Some Carping

The current conflict between Israel and the United States is a really odd one. For the Israelis, the whole thing is a matter of life and death, a serious conflict. On the Obama/Kerry side of things, their behavior more closely resembles a one-sided junior high girls’ slap fight. But before getting into all that, a …