Just Terrifgggkkkk . . .

When it comes to our interactions with unbelievers, we have two scriptural requirements we have to keep in mind. We have to do both of these things at the same time, which presents a monumental challenge to the tidy-minded. The question is this — do we share table companionship with unbelievers and sinners? This question …

On Defending the Ghastly

The War Between the States would have ended a lot sooner if Meade had pursued Lee after Gettysburg. Ahithophel hanged himself because his counsel of pursuit of David by Absalom was rejected (2 Sam. 17:1-2). Gideon prevailed in his great battle with Midian because he honored the principle of pursuit (Judg. 8:4). Pursuit is crucial; …

Baby Corpse Wholesalers

The great value of the devastating Planned Parenthood videos is to be found in their implications. Moreover, these are implications that do not have to be carefully drawn out so that no one loses the thread of an obscure argument. These implications are most obvious — PP is merchandising baby parts, they are accommodating eager …

The Ethics of Righteous Video Sting Operations

So let me tell you right at the beginning what I think of the ethics of video sting operations (like the #PPSellsBabyParts story from last week). After telling you what I think about it, I want to lay out a biblical case for it. The story caught Planned Parenthood by surprise, along with a bunch …