Their Respective Beheadings

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We do not yet know who the nominees for the two major political parties will be. Hillary is supposed to be a lock, although in my view there are significant signs of trouble. On the Republican side, they not only have a very deep bench, they also have a handful who ought not to have made the team, including a hot dog vendor, who is quite good at that I hear.High Double Standards

But regardless who the two candidates are, the current job of every pro-life American is to continue to apply public pressure across the board on the ghastly reality of Planned Parenthood’s body parts emporium. The pressure has to be unrelenting, constant, focused, and hot. If we do what we now have a plain opportunity to do, we can make the hideous strength of Planned Parenthood one of the central issues of the presidential campaign. If that happens, then it is likely that the choice will come down to a candidate who wants the DOJ to continue investigating the Center for Medical Progress and a candidate who promises to give David Daleiden at CMP the Medal of Freedom. There really is no middle ground on this.

And Obama’s DOJ has already opened an investigation — not of the organization that is selling baby heads, of course not, but of the organization that revealed them to be doing so.

This is one difference between ISIS and the Democratic abortion rights coalition, one that shows that the latter is trying to do their dirty business in a society that still has a residual conscience. Both are willing to pursue their respective beheadings, the former because they believe Allah wills it and the latter because Mammon beckons with a Lamborghini. But in both cases, someone has their head chopped off. That part is similar. But ISIS beheadings are usually done on a beach in broad daylight in order to strike fear in the hearts of their adversaries. Planned Parenthood beheadings are done out of sight because they think that if all the baby parts were to be sold publicly, people might come away with the wrong impression.

Some fainthearted people are saying that defunding Planned Parenthood is practically impossible. So what would it take? How much would have to be revealed to us before it ceased to be practically impossible? If we don’t take this opportunity to do it now, when will be have another, better opportunity?

Our case is a desperate one, but we have a real opportunity here that I don’t know if we will have again. Even with these revelations, the political party of the sitting president is not backing away from Planned Parenthood. Generally speaking, in the next election about half the electorate will vote for the ghouls — including, by the way, a bunch of SJWs from the evangelical soft left. Just yesterday, Hillary tentatively stood with a woman’s right to choose selling her child piecemeal, only she didn’t say that last part out loud. She just got up to the magic mantra word choose, and then stopped.

But Planned Parenthood doesn’t stop there. There is is ready money to be made after the magic choice. There’s gold in them there thoraxes.  And, as mentioned, Obama’s DOJ is acting like a band of ayatollahs stoning the rape victim, opening up an investigation designed to punish the righteous and cover for the guilty. These are the people that we chose to run the country.

William Wilberforce put the central moral dilemma before us this way. “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”

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Andrew Isker ن
Andrew Isker ن
9 years ago

“A deep bench” of guys wearing pinstripes, yeah, …but they ain’t the ’27 Yankees. Especially given the fact that the one with the combover may be their only power hitter.

Kevin Bratcher
9 years ago

Trump, like most hot dog vendors, generates excitement when he first shows up.
Like most hot dog vendors, Trump’s product will soon be recognized as bad for our constitution.

9 years ago

I’d call Trump the designated hitter: he’s not really a baseball player at all. He just pretends to be one once every 3 innings. The rest of the time he’s got his feet up and acting like the manager. Let’s honest: Trump hasn’t contributed anything. He’s like a guy who runs around pretending to be busy but if you watch him long enough, you realize he isn’t actually doing anything useful.

John Stoos
John Stoos
9 years ago

Just read Proverbs 24 this morning which certainly reinforces those wise words from Wilberforce!

Kevin Bratcher
9 years ago

The battle cry currently playing in my head: (the oliphaunt representing of course Planned Parenthood, and not the symbol of my current preferred political party)

Alex in Wonderland
Alex in Wonderland
9 years ago

Agreed on this that “but we have a real opportunity here that I don’t know if we will have again” as temporary or small as the results might seem or be. The DOJ investigation doesn’t surprise me. I can’t imagine CMP and Daleiden not “counting the cost” of their efforts being critiqued and questioned. Seems over the top, political yes, until more is revealed at the hearings, but not completely unreasonable all things considered. As far as beheadings “done on a beach in broad daylight in order to strike fear in the hearts of their adversaries,” (as I mentioned to… Read more »

Matt Miller
Matt Miller
9 years ago

I wonder if there is another way to look at the same information. Obergefell could not have happened without Roe v. Wade happening first. Roe v. Wade paved the way for free “love” without the “burden” of children. Well, if children aren’t a requirement for sexual union, then why can’t two guys have sex? We have been taking back ground ever since Roe v. Wade, and I do not think it is a coincidence that the Planned Parenthood exposé has risen in the aftermath of Obergefell. If we win on abortion, I think we destroy the foundation upon which same-sex… Read more »

Alex in Wonderland
Alex in Wonderland
9 years ago
Reply to  Matt Miller

I agree entirely. I rambled similarly elsewhere. ” Obergefell could not have happened without Roe v. Wade happening first.” A watershed moment..if we could make legal such an atrocity, what else wouldn’t be excused. I get your point of it, too. I think the liberals have been quietly advancing on homosexuality while we focus on PP. I’m afraid we are being too silent on that in our abortion efforts. “We have been taking back ground ever since Roe v. Wade, and I do not think it is a coincidence that the Planned Parenthood exposé has risen in the aftermath ”… Read more »

Matt Miller
Matt Miller
9 years ago

Yes, I think we see things very similarly. I think we can fight on both fronts. We expose the abortion holocaust, make the point that it was unleashed by the Supreme Court, and use that connection to call Obergefell’s rectitude into question.

Basically, we demonstrate the Supreme Court’s incompetence to speak to questions of right and wrong. We know it, but now (we pray) society can see it too.

RC Sproul Jr.
9 years ago

Brother, I appreciate your point, but can’t quite swallow the comparison of Obergfell being life and liberty depriving, as if Roe is not more life and liberty depriving. Obergefell is terrible, but no babies are murdered by it.

Bro. Steve
Bro. Steve
9 years ago

Despite the usual “exceptions” dodge of the political class, this actually is a step in the right direction.

Rev. R. W. Shazbot
Rev. R. W. Shazbot
9 years ago

Is the “hot dog vendor” reference a joke about Lindsey Graham being a notorious closet case?

Rev. R. W. Shazbot
Rev. R. W. Shazbot
9 years ago

How long before Donald Trump asks Hulk Hogan to be his running mate?

9 years ago

I’ve got my money on Jesse Ventura.

9 years ago

“There is is ready money to be made after the magic choice.” Either that’s a typo or a reference to ISIS :-)

9 years ago

Perhaps using “Planned Parenthood (sic)” might be a way of highlighting the Orwellian nature of their name and help keep the pressure on them.

David Trounce
9 years ago

We are talking about one of the biggest, murderous, Jabberwocky’s of our time. It seems to me that if anything happens to PP, it will be a complete “overhaul and review of it’s services”, followed by some rebranding. They will replace a few priests and redesign their logo and it will be business as usual.

Then again, if God favours us with the right pebble, it could all fall down with one well aimed blow to the head.

9 years ago
Reply to  David Trounce

Yeah, it’s not going away. Not until the empire comes down.

9 years ago

Here’s your chance to make Planned Parenthood lose money without waiting on Congress. It’s a tactic that was used on Gawker that cost them over a million dollars. It just requires sending emails to companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, and twitter is an option too. Contacts and sample letter are here (will be regularly updated). Pick 5-10 companies. Make sure when referencing the corporate matching aspect of their donations that you also ask if they will take them off their list of eligible corporations like AT&T did, and if not, why?. The link below has more quotes to… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Clint

Thank you for those links, I’ll be taking time tomorrow to email each and every one of those companies.

9 years ago
Reply to  Clint

Great work, brother! Thank you.

9 years ago
Reply to  Clint

I have taken to twitter and up-voted and retweeted in the #PPSellsBabyParts hashtag. I will continue that every day for at least one month. It takes about 20 minutes and is easy to do over a morning cup of coffee.

9 years ago
Reply to  Clint

The pastebin post was taken down before I could use it…any other links you can send my way to help with email addresses and form letters?

9 years ago
Reply to  Clint

Thanks for sharing the link. I know some links aren’t working but I have not had time to find working ways to contact all off the companies.
If anyone wants to copy it and share, please do.
I also would take any fixes to links in the comments section on the blog.

8 years ago
Reply to  Clint

I have contacted every company I could, and find myself wondering at those companies that choose to either not have an email option, or that seem to have disabled the email link…whatever the case, the time was well spent and my prayers are added.

9 years ago

in the next election about half the electorate will vote for the ghouls —
including, by the way, a bunch of SJWs from the evangelical soft left.

Like this guy?

As a Christian and an ordained minister I have wondered if it is possible to be pro-choice politically but advocate life in our communities. To be clear: when it comes to the politics of a woman’s right to choose, I am pro-choice but when I step away from the politics of the issue I am a pro-life advocate.

9 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

That is ugly stuff. just wow. How very sad.

9 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

And not only him, but the commenters, too.

9 years ago

The Dems will push immigration as the focal point and O will make certain that every illegal possible will vote. How do we counter that attack? that is his strongest card.

Kelly M. Haggar
Kelly M. Haggar
9 years ago

In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) [], the Supreme Court gave us the “right to privacy,” something it found in “emanations” from the “penumbras” of other parts of the constitution. Once judges start off down the road of the mystery and meaning of life, forget about “law.” Whatever else may be going on, it’s NOT “law.” OK, OK, if you like the result, then it’s very pretty, “but you mustn’t call it ‘Homer’.”
Off on chores . . . .

Alex in Wonderland
Alex in Wonderland
8 years ago

Are you rested up :) Combining two responses into one here… Yes, I read this article you linked to, and also found Ginsburg’s musings on what she hoped for the future from/with Roe. And I have a question based on the following excerpt. Do you think any parts of the ruling from Oberg will make it easier for abortion rights to be expanded and states sovereignty lessened on the issue? (Keep trying to figure out how states have been allowed the little bit of flexibility they’ve had as opposed to say the Oberg ruling–or if states, if they push… Read more »

Kelly M. Haggar
Kelly M. Haggar
8 years ago

out the door on a field trip, then a function tonight Will be awhile before I can catch up.

Kelly M. Haggar
Kelly M. Haggar
8 years ago

Relates? You betcha! I think any reasonable person should be able to draw a straight line from Griswold to Roe to Casey to Lawrence to Obergefell. (going through Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996) [], and U.S. v. Windsor, 570 U.S. ___ (2013) [] on the way.) “Racetrack” is a verb in some contexts. When engineers are trying to “racetrack” they say “iterate.” Here, both words mean going through the same place or process many times but on each trial/test/pass we vary one variable a little bit. “OK, now let’s try it but at airbrakes 4 instead of 2.”… Read more »

Kim Douglas
Kim Douglas
8 years ago

… say “….we have a real opportunity here…” What can I do? I want to do something but yet again I’m told to act but not given any directions

8 years ago

My emails have paid off. I have one company, Wells Fargo that has admitted to directly funding Planned Parenthood below the national/corporate level.

8 years ago
Reply to  Derek

Good work and thanks for your persistence.

Priscilla King
8 years ago

Before this latest scandal, I was thinking of Planned Parenthood as a charity (maybe because I used to find bargains at their charity store). What’s the government doing funding charities, in *any* case? I think we’d better off with *no* “partnerships” between governments, businesses, or alleged private nonprofit organizations. If it solicits contributions, it should get *no* government funding. Even if it’s the Salvation Army.

8 years ago
Reply to  Priscilla King

Government has replaced the church and the community as a central social structure and safety net. The more subjectivist our morals become, the more questionable the use of tax dollars. The govt could mandate $X be donated by individuals yearly (instead of taxing them and throwing it to the wind), we might see some better use of these funds.