Introduction So I want to begin my review of this chapter of Aimee Byrd’s book with some agreement. Although I differ strongly with her overarching thesis, I also want to make it clear that I believe she is reacting to some genuine problems in the “purity world.” I have seen some of those problems myself, …
A Rat’s Nest of a Situation
My review of Aimee Byrd’s third chapter of Why Can’t We be Friends? is going to be brief. It is going to be brief for the excellent reason that this is supposed to be a critical review, and this particular chapter contains very little to criticize. It was, in sum, an outstanding chapter. Put another …
Stereotypical Manners?
Introduction: Just as in the first chapter, the second chapter of Aimee Byrd’s book on male/female friendships contains a real tension at the heart of it. And given how she states her concerns, I can’t see any way of resolving that tension. Another way of putting this is to say that Aimee Byrd has complaints …
When Aimee Met Harry and Sally
Introduction: In her latest contribution—Why Can’t We Be Friends?—Aimee Byrd has raised the question why Christian men and women have such trouble and difficulty being friends. Why are we in such a pother about it? She knows that it will be a controversial book (Loc. 155), but undertook the risk anyway. In the first chapter …
Growing Corn on an Asteroid
Introduction: Let us accept for a moment the supposition—which I do not actually accept, by the way—that the Revoice organizers meant well. Let us assume honest misunderstandings all around. That is still no reason to let the misunderstandings stand, or to let them go unaddressed. This is because at some point, when confusion is in …
On a Wife Deciding to Leave Her Husband
Dear Janelle, I received your letter yesterday, and had already heard from your brother and sister-in-law. They confirmed for me the very difficult and challenging situation you are in with your husband, and they said that they had encouraged you to write to me with your question. I was glad to hear from you. From …
The Facebook Penalty Box
I am posting an article below by Robert Gagnon. I am posting it here because Facebook removed it earlier when Gagnon posted it, and suspended him for a day. Having posted it here, I will send it out to Twitter and Facebook, and would encourage you all to share it all over the place. Incidentally, …
So You Married a Feminist
Dear Steven, Thanks for the letter, and it sounds like quite a dilemma. You’ve been married for five years, and you have a good marriage, but for one sore spot. You didn’t put it to me this way, but that sore spot is the result of you gradually coming to realize (despite your intention in …
And Very Grateful for This . . .
In the midst of a great deal of confusion on sexuality and gender (see the previous post), I am very grateful that the denomination Christ Church belongs to (the CREC) has issued a statement on one of the basic issues involved. That statement can be accessed here. For those unfamiliar with the polity of the …
This Cavalcade of Concupiscence
Introduction: I believe that it is past time for us to add the P to our conga line of kink. The reason we must add the P, standing in for pedophile, is that we have already in principle added the P. This already happened, with virtually no one noticing when it happened exactly. There is …