Introduction: I have argued for some years that the battle of our day is a battle for the control of the dictionary. What shall we call things? More importantly, what shall we not be allowed to call things? And the two great questions of philosophy are involved—why and who says? And in dealing with this …
Reimagining Revoice as a Servant of Mammon
Introduction: You know what? Revoice is a micro-aggression. It is all starting to come into focus for me now. Now it is kind of a big conference, with big names attached, and so that makes it a macroaggression also. And big money is likely involved, about which more a bit later on, and so that …
The UnRoeveling of America
Introduction: The American Civil War was actually a war between distinct regions. It was a clash of cultures, a war between the several states. There were certain regions—the border states like Maryland—where the populations within the same territory were truly divided, and where it was not uncommon for one brother to fight for one side …
Why Revoice Hurts My Feelings, and Why Nobody Should Care
Whenever something happens that seems impervious to plain reason speaking with an open Bible, one starts to look around for an explanation. How is it possible for something like this to happen? The PCA is supposed to be one of the stalwart evangelical denominations, and we all looked away for a minute and then blammo. …
The Mortification of Courtly Love
Introduction: One of the best things about the Revoice conference is that it is making us work through some issues that we manifestly need to work through. This does not make the Revoice conference a good thing, most certainly not, but the Revoice conference presents us with a good occasion to state the straight alongside …
A Brief Reply to Joel McDurmon
Joel McDurmon has responded here to my earlier critique of his response to Tim Bayly, which can be read here. I am currently on the road, and don’t have a lot of time to respond. But I would like to say just a couple of basic things, things that I believe lie right at the …
As the Serpent Uncoils
If you missed it in my earlier post, here is a long collection of quotes from some of the participants in the upcoming Revoice conference. I have two follow-up comments to make with regard to the controversy (as it now stands). I am sure that I will have more to say as this serpent continues …
Hey, Fancy Boy
Introduction: So the Revoice conference continues to be a thing that Christians differ about. But before everyone rushes to the “agree to disagree” mode that we all know and love so well, let me sketch the nature of this basic disagreement. Some Christians think that obvious things are obvious, while other Christians think that obvious …
Celibacy, Singleness, and Sex
Introduction: Given the fact that a number of Christians have adopted the idea that a person can have a gay identity, and yet live a full Christian life, just so long as he or she is committed to celibacy, it is time for us to go back and review some basics. There are many areas …
Revoice, Bundling, and the Borders of Celibacy
Introduction: One of the good things coming out of the Revoice conference is that it is making us thrash out a number of things we should have thrashed out years ago. It is making us confront the fact that these things should have been confronted a long time ago. “For there must be also heresies …