Our Jaunty Little Peacock

A Scenario: Imagine with me, if you will, a youth retreat of some kind, guys and girls at the same camp together. Imagine further that some young buck has been down in the dining hall, with a puffed-out chest, challenging girls to arm wrestle with him, and thus far he has provoked seven girls in …

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A Petticoat in the Bicycle Chain

Introduction: Consider this a small postscript on the ladybug post. Now some may want to say that the reason I review books by Rachel Miller or Aimee Byrd in the way I do is because I am threatened by women who write on anything other than quilting or scampi recipes. Now this would be a …

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Post Lucem Tenebrae

Introduction: A week ago, my wife and I just finished a delightful vacation in France and Switzerland, and it was really something. There was wine, and there was cheese, and historical sites, and there was wine, and then some food, and then a cheese course. It was a time. I am still full. Among the …

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Dealing with Nuisance Lust

This post originally ran September 6, 2010. Note: this is an imaginary Christian couple, assembled as a composite from various counseling situations. Dear Tony, Thanks for the email and the follow-up phone call. I am glad you decided to get help with this, and I am glad that you and Suzanne are talking about it. A …

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