Introduction: Just when my life starts getting back to normal, the Southern Baptists hear about it and start acting up again. If you want a little background to these words that I say, consider this ...
Hardly the Charge of the Light Brigade
Introduction: So just over a week ago, our college ministry hosted an event on the University of Idaho campus entitled The Lost Virtue of Sexism. About 250 people came, along with a medium-sized cadre of disruption agents and hecklers. The Internet audience has been much larger, coming in around 15K so far. What’s Not to …
The Lost Virtue of Sexism
Last Tuesday night I spoke on the campus of the University of Idaho on the subject mentioned above. There were some protesters there, and I want to thank the UI for the excellent job they did on security. The protesters worked hard at being a nuisance (clickers, rustling papers, dropping things, etc.), but I was …
Though It Might Seem Adversarial
Dear Rod, Thanks for your note, and congratulations on your engagement. I have only met Kate a couple of times, but I knew her folks well, back when she was just a toddler. They are wonderful people, and it seems evident from your attachment to Kate that she is following in their footsteps. They are …
On Making a Duck
This installment on chapter 5 of Beyond Authority and Submission will be quite brief. It should be sufficient to point out that not only is Rachel Miller not laying any groundwork that will help establish her thesis, but she has gone above and beyond the call of duty, and has been kind enough to blow …
Gallio Cared for None of These Things
Introduction: In an earlier NQN post, I said that to be a gay Christian was to be a hypocrite, by definition. What could be the basis for saying things like that? The guy who says that he is a gay ...
Restoring Sexism: The Lost Virtue
Introduction: So the Bible is a sexist book, and that fact alone should make Christians want to acknowledge that sexism has to be a virtue. And because the Bible has been assiduously ignored ...
Down Like a Stick
My installment on Rachel Miller’s next chapter will be brief. What I want to do is explain how the structure of her thesis is hopeless, and this should only take a few minutes. In the next chapter, ...
Your Great Grandmother on Roller Blades
Introduction: I am afraid that the next chapter of Beyond Authority and Submission is bad enough to make your front teeth ache. It is something of a global embarrassment. It makes you want to ...
Man Rampant Stuff
Just a quick note to talk for a moment about our new show, Man Rampant, which dropped last week. We are really excited about how it is going — over 3500 hours viewed in the first week — and would like to invite even more of you to participate. If any of you thought to …