David Wenkel wrote a first rate book, entitled Shining Like the Sun, and I really enjoyed it, but I have no desire to drag him into a controversy that he was not actually participating in. And yet, at the same time, this book is most relevant to us during this time when churches are being …
Book of the Month/January 2021
This is a fantastic book, and let me tell you a little bit about some of sensations I had inside my bone box while reading it. I think I have only had a parallel experience one other time, that time being when I read Planet Narnia. Take a set of books that I have been …
Book of the Month/December 2020
I read different books in different ways. There is the physical copy route, where I own an actual three-dimensional book, and attack it at various places with my blue highlighter. There is also the Kindle route, where somebody in a cloud somewhere saves all my magic highlights. And then there is the audio route, where …
Book of the Month/October 2020
When it came to the subject of trials and afflictions, the Puritans were men who held two things together that many modern pastors miss. They were both theologically sound and pastorally shrewd. From Jeremiah Burrough’s Rare Jewel to Thomas Watson’s The Art of Divine Contentment (and All Things for Good), they teach the average Christian—who, …
Jitney Jezebels and “Ride, Sally, Ride”
Introduction: So my latest novel is now out and about. It is entitled Ride, Sally, Ride. And what I would like to do here, besides encouraging you to get five or six of them, is actually to embrace one of the criticisms that some have made about the book thus far. I am, of course, …
Book of the Month/September 2020
This book is a sweeping treatment of church history by Tom Holland, who might best be called a sympathetic unbeliever. What would a church history look like if written by an atheist who was willing to give the influence of Christianity a fair shake? This book provides an answer to that question. The subtitle is …
Book of the Month/July 2020
Happy Fourth of July, and sorry this book-of-the-month selection is a few days late. May all your fireworks go off vertically, and not horizontally. May you and your household come to grasp how bad the House of Hanover was to the cause of liberty, and how good they were compared to our present regime. As …
Book of the Month/May 2020
I was recently asked to provide a blurb for Anthony Esolen’s new book, Sex and the Unreal City. I read the manuscript enthusiastically, and sent in the blurb already, but this puts me in the unfortunate position of recommending a book to you that isn’t out yet. Soon. It will be out soon. I also …
Book of the Month/April 2020
My book choice this month is a title with (I assume) limited interest. But since that limited interest group is made up of writers and would-be writers, and because everybody in that group is a sucker for books about books, and books about how to write them, I thought it would be worthwhile to tell …
Book of the Month/March 2020
First, apologies for the late book of the month announcement. Things have been hopping around here. This month, I have selected Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell. The subtitle is America Since the Sixties, and if you are among those who have been wondering what on earth actually happened to us, this book will answer …