Book of the Month/October 2020

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When it came to the subject of trials and afflictions, the Puritans were men who held two things together that many modern pastors miss. They were both theologically sound and pastorally shrewd. From Jeremiah Burrough’s Rare Jewel to Thomas Watson’s The Art of Divine Contentment (and All Things for Good), they teach the average Christian—who, like everyone else, is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward—how to rest in the sovereign goodness of God. Not just despite the difficulties, but in, through, and on account of them.

I say all this because I want to add another book to your growing library on this subject. Thomas Boston wrote The Crook in the Lot, and he, like the other Puritans, doesn’t mess around when it comes to passing out comfort that actually comforts.

Steeped in Scripture, and gifted with an ability to paint vivid word pictures, Boston will really repay a visit. At least if you have any troubles.