So I am going to do something a little bit different this time around, and recommend as a book of the month a book I have not yet read. I just got it last week, and it is called Intro to Joy. It was written by my sister, Heather Torosyan, who went to be with …
Book of the Month/October 2021
The first thing to note is that this is an abridged version—gleanings from William Gurnall’s massive work of the same name. This small version, published and sold by Community Christian Ministries, is an outstanding collection of some of Gurnall’s best passages. Gurnall was a Puritan, through and through. “Can Christ be in thou heart and …
Book of the Month/September 2021
These are tumultuous times to be alive, and one of the things we most desire in such times is orientation. Now for Christians, our ultimate orientation is always to be Christ, but that doesn’t take anything away from our desire to be oriented to the facts as they are on the ground. Say you were …
Book of the Month/August 2021
This book was truly informative, and it will be really informative for you also, even if you were already persuaded of the basic thesis. That thesis is that the sons of God in Genesis 6 who intermarried with human women were celestial beings, and not the descendants of Seth, and that the offspring of these …
Book of the Month/July 2021
What an informative book this is. If you have been living in a normal part of the world, off in some backwater where people have been continuing to do ordinary people things, you may have wondered why our ruling elites have suddenly been afflicted with such strange spasms, jerky movements, and why, furthermore, their left …
Book of the Month/June 2021
I am happy to commend this book, and to do so enthusiastically. It has one great strength and, as is often the case with such things, it happens to be the same thing as its greatest weakness. The theology is really solid, the thinking clear, and the writing is lucid and straight to the point. …
Book of the Month/May 2021
So I was hearing really good rumbles about this book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, from a number of people I respect, and so I made a note to myself that I probably ought to do something about it. You know? I had only read one other book by Trueman ten years …
Devoured by Cannabis
Introduction: The ongoing push to legalize recreational marijuana in all fifty states is a very clever juke move on the part of the progressive left. It certainly looks like an expansion of personal liberty, but it doesn’t smell that way at all. Liberty smells like crisp mountain air, right next to a glacier-fed lake. Legalized …
Book of the Month/April 2021
And here we have a book that a lot of orthodox Christians need. They know that they believe in the Trinity, but would be hard pressed to defend that belief if challenged on it. This book is a marvelous introduction to the subject. And if someone complains to you that the word Trinity is not …
Book of the Month/March 2021
My selection this month is Return of the Strong Gods by R.R. Reno. As an analysis and diagnosis of how we got into the mess we are in, this book is simply superb. Not only is it superb, but it is superb in surprising ways. In other words, this is not a tired retread of …