HT: Hugh Hewitt
Ten Anglos Every Bit As Clueless
In the national liberal chatter over what could possibly have gotten into the American people over this health care business, the talk eventually turned, as you may have guessed, to race. The narrative is that Americans have not yet made their peace with the fact that Obama is black. This causes that kind of deep …
Control Your Own Body, Aye
One of the most interesting aspects of the health care debate is watching people who have spent a good portion of their adult lives saying “A,” who then under the pressure of their own position’s internal illogic come out saying “not A.” We are now at that place. Mark Steyn has pointed out, quite aptly, …
Dwarves Are For the Dwarves
Over the last few weeks Obama has added to his growing list of gaffes by insulting surgeons, saying that they would rather cut off a foot than pretty much anything else, because there is apparently some real money to be made in cutting off feet. The doctors responded all huffy-like, and so the saga continues. …
Our Man Sven
Since none of us apparently have enough to do, let us try to analyze this “birther” controversy with an objective and dispassionate eye. At issue, for those who were born yesterday, is whether or not President Obama was born in Hawaii or not, upon which issue his eligibility for health care benefits . . . …
It Took Her Five Minutes
Do not conclude from the fact that I am about to mention Sarah Palin that my blog traffic numbers are down and I am trying to juice them. Not at all. I am just being a dispassionate observer of the Republic here. The fact that some folks will not be able to discuss her without …
So Draw It Now
The president has clearly been knocked back on his heels over this whole health care fiasco. It is looking more and more like he will get a bill with “health care” written on it somewhere, so he can have a face-saving talking point, but he is decreasingly likely to get anything close to what he …
A Sinkhole of Father Hunger
Here is a little clip of Frank Schaeffer decoding secret messages that mainline Christian conservatives have been sending out to the fever swamps of the right. I am a little peeved, frankly, because I live in northern Idaho, for crying out loud. Why I am not getting these messages? Did I offend somebody? Oh, I …
On Getting Town Halled
As most of us know, politics is the art of pushing and shoving. And in recent weeks, Democrats were interrupted in the middle of their earnest exhortations to Sarah Palin (to stop her whining) because they needed to start whining about how pushing and shoving broke out in various congressional town hall meetings. This occurred …
Health Care Hoot
The administration’s health care dreams are in enough trouble that the White House had to answer an old video clip of Obama that showed up on Drudge. You can look at the clip and the White House answer here. What cracks me up about this is what it reveals about what the White House thinks …