Dwarves Are For the Dwarves

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Over the last few weeks Obama has added to his growing list of gaffes by insulting surgeons, saying that they would rather cut off a foot than pretty much anything else, because there is apparently some real money to be made in cutting off feet. The doctors responded all huffy-like, and so the saga continues. So I would like to add something here in the spirit of seeking a genuine third way. I know that this will strike some as a “dwarves are for the dwarves” move, now shooting the Calormenes, and now shooting horses. But it doesn’t matter how it looks — it matters what it is.

There is a point here that Obama can’t make because he is just as complicit in the fiasco as the doctors are. But the point is valid nonetheless. Before thinking Christians (who ought to be adamantly opposed to Obama’s Rapine for Health Proposal) side with the doctors on this one, one fundamental thing needs to be brought back center stage. And it needs to be kept there.

Our professional medical societies have made their peace with abortion, and as a result over 40 million Americans have died, and certified medical professionals were their executioners. And they did it for money. Not that I am recomending any of these options, but if you were going to be a crass money-grubber in the field of medicine, in the catalog of horrors that would be open before you, unnecessarily cutting off a foot for money would be a lesser crime than chopping up a baby, or salting the baby to death. But of course, Obama can’t make this point because he is pro-choice — which translated means that he believes that 40 millions lives full of choices must be snuffed out before any of those choices become possible.

But the fact that Obama can’t make the point doesn’t mean the point won’t be raised at the Day of Judgment. By Somebody. So before the bloodsoaked medical societies of our nation draw themselves up to their full height and say to Obama, “Sir!”, they ought to do a little reflecting. They lost their moral authority a long time ago, and all the craft competence in the world can’t recover it. Repentance is the only way back, the only way out. Someone needs to wad up the tattered remains of the AMA’s medical integrity, and throw it into Hell, where it belongs.

Put this another way. Obama’s health care proposal would be a disaster on wheels. It would wreck what remains of the medical profession in America. And that would be a 500 mile judgment from God that our doctors have earned every inch of. From the divine perspective, there would not even be a hint of injustice in it. Why should doctors who are okay with mass slaughter in utero be allowed to make a free living? Why should a people who are okay with that have access to decent health care?

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