Some Recessionary Pink Elephants

What explains the lunacy of our present political leadership? The explanations are varied, of course, but they generally cannot be grouped under stupidity. Ignorance, often, but stupidity no. You don’t get to the positions of influence that these people occupy because you are unable to tie your own shoes. The question is not a matter …

Public Spirited Brick Throwers

The cash for clunkers program is a variation on a theme, one that highlights the economic illiteracy of our times, and the greediness of our leaders and people. Free money — who could be against that? Well, me, for starters. Here is the theme. Henry Hazlitt (Economics in One Lesson) pointed out what he called …

The Sticky Mass of Federal Helps

Here are a few random thoughts to follow up on yesterday’s post about Christians entangled in the sticky mass that we are pleased to call federal helps, aids, loans, seductions, boondoggles, and entitlements. As I said yesterday, there are qualifications that can and should be made on this — it is a complicated subject — …

No, No . . . Not a Handout

Can’t stand it. Gotta say something. As John Stott wrote somewhere, fuzzy thinking is one of the sins of the age. I was watching the tube this afternoon, and a commercial came on, urging us all to get behind the Affordable Health Care Rationing System, or whatever it is they are calling it these days. …

Slow That Arrogant Greedhead Down

John Adams once said that our Constitution presupposes a moral and a religious people. It is wholly unfit, he said, for any other. One of the places where this undoubted truth is most obvious is when we enter the realm of economics — the place where many Christians refuse to bring the lordship of Christ …