Snakes in the Arms

If you are among those who follow my son Nate’s writing, or if you are among those who ought to be following it, I have some news to roll out. Our presidential campaigns have lost their old allure, and so it is time for some diversion. Nate’s newest book, Outlaws of Time (HarperCollins), is set …

New Title?

After you enjoy the cartoon, I have to tell you a quick story.

Calvin's Institutes












A number of decades ago, before I was Reformed, I wanted to get a copy of Calvin’s Institutes, which I did not yet have. I was on the road and stopped in a Christian bookshop somewhere and asked if they had it. When I asked the question, this very thing happened to me. Years later, I was flipping through CT — back when I still did that — and came across this cartoon. “Nancy!” I said, “this exact thing happened to me.” Beyond coincidence, but I had no explanation. I was befuddled. But eventually I thought to look at who drew the cartoon. Ron Huggins drew it, a friend of mine, and all of a sudden the mystery didn’t seem so grand.