Important Request for Feedback

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I have heard from several of you that your subscription notices to this blog have konked out, that they are, as the French say, le dead, and are now lying on their backs in the pasture with all four hooves toward the sky. I wanted to see if this problem were limited to a mere handful or if others are having the same difficulty.

I included a beautiful picture to increase the chances that you would read the important request next to it.
I included a beautiful picture to increase the chances that you would read the important request next to it.

If you are having this problem, could you please comment below?

Thanks very much.

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Joe B.
Joe B.
9 years ago

Still getting your posts in Feedly. The iOS app continues to be temperamental (crashes) but seems to come back around after a day or so.

Tyler Vielguth
Tyler Vielguth
9 years ago

Weekly recap email doesn’t come anymore. iOS app is hit or miss with notifications.

Trent Amonett
Trent Amonett
9 years ago

I get an occasional update badge on my iPhone, but it’s not consistent. When I do get them, they’re often not available to view, so I end up using the Christkirk when I can’t view them in the barking dog app. I prefer the barking dog app because I can view comments.

Mark Grubbs
Mark Grubbs
9 years ago

App on my iPhone crashes. I still get updates but on some days (not everyday) it takes me several minutes of fidgeting with the app (closing it out/refreshing) before I can finally access it

David C. Decker
David C. Decker
9 years ago

I get notices on my iPad, but there doesn’t seem to be any comments posted on your blogs except this one lately.

9 years ago

This is the first time I have ever been able to post a comment from the app. I am not ever able to see comments either.
I get notifications on my iPhone about 50% of the time.

Matt Meyer
Matt Meyer
9 years ago

Works on my iOS6 with notifications

Francis Foucachon
Francis Foucachon
9 years ago

Same as Joe B

C Nightingale
C Nightingale
9 years ago

The app disappeared after a recent OS update. Once I reinstalled everything has worked fine.

9 years ago

Trump would fix this if he were President. Of course, he specifically said that he would NOT fix bugs in blogging software, but that was five minutes ago – he’s changed his mind since then.

And even if he doesn’t fix it, it’s not like Cruz would do anything about it – what with that Goldman Sachs big business New York Values wife of his.

Trump 2016!

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago

Suddenly there’s no white space on the left side of the page. Have you been messing with things?

9 years ago

I’ve tried to subscribe to the mailing list, but I’ve never gotten any
emails. The system thinks I’m already subscribed from this email
address. I just subscribed with my work email address and tried to
change my profile to use this address, but, alas, it won’t let me, as it
says that this address is already subscribed.

9 years ago

Yes. My subscription is bereft of life.

Daniel Foucachon
9 years ago

I think I subscribed, and no longer get email. However I mostly use social media to find out about new posts (I get a notification when you post a link on FB).

Jerrod Arnold
Jerrod Arnold
9 years ago

I stopped caring about my subscription when the iPhone app wouldn’t allow comments through Disqus.

Reformed Roy
Reformed Roy
9 years ago
Reply to  Jerrod Arnold


9 years ago

I believe I subscribed several months ago, but come to think of it I never received an email from the blog.

Tracy Marisa
Tracy Marisa
9 years ago

I did get a few e-mails back when I originally subscribed, but haven’t gotten one in ages.

Rodney Chrisman
Rodney Chrisman
9 years ago

I too have tried to sign up to receive email updates but have never received one.

9 years ago

Subscription notices are one thing, but I’m still feeling very Amish about always having to actually type in html markup tags inside my comments just to format basic quotations and to get bold text. A nice comment editor with a toolbox of text options would be very 20th century (let alone the 21st century).

9 years ago

So there’s finally been an indictment related to the Planned Parenthood videos. David Daleiden, the producer of the videos was indicted on two counts:

1. “felony charges of tampering with a government record” because we know how important it is to the government to prosecute those who mishandle sensitive information.

2. “a misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs.” Yes, you read that right.

Every time I think I’ve reached the bottom of the rabbit hole …

9 years ago
Reply to  jigawatt

George said it first: “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

and tampering…I think they mean “Hey, we had our lies and disinformatsiya working real good and then you come along with truth…didn’t you folks learn from Pilate about that truth thing?”

9 years ago
Reply to  jigawatt

Yes, I saw this. Might be a bit early to know what the full story is but I would be most interested on commentary.

9 years ago

I stopped getting the e-mails awhile back. It was my preferred way to keep up with you.

Jason Bailey
Jason Bailey
9 years ago

I have tried to successful,y subscribe multiple times with no luck. I prefer email notifications. If you could fix the problem, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks for the blog.

9 years ago

I also signed up to the mailing list and no emails ever arrived. Doesn’t matter cause I check the blog regularly anyhow.

Jon Dykstra
Jon Dykstra
9 years ago

I’ve subscribed a couple of times, the first time getting nothing and the second time getting emails a few times, and then nothing.

Lisa Reese
Lisa Reese
9 years ago

I lost my subscription weeks and weeks ago, and my efforts to reinstate it have been fruitless. Have I been banned for some reason? I try to be good….

Merilee Colby-Solie
Merilee Colby-Solie
9 years ago

I have re-subscribed twice, but am not receiving the posts via email. I have to come to the blog itself.

Roger Ball
Roger Ball
8 years ago

I have signed up repeatedly for the past couple of years for your email subscription but have never received anything.

8 years ago

I’ve tried subscribing as well, with three different email addresses, and it doesn’t work.