“I find it fascinating that credulity about scientifically stated absurdities should thus exceed the wildest examples of religious superstition. I have often thought it would be a very good idea to bring an African witch-doctor or medicine-man to London, and let him have an intensive course of looking at television advertisements. The good man, I …
Indeed, Why Not?
“In honesty, however, I must warn in advance any who may embark upon exploring it, that books about the media almost all have one, on the face of it, surprising feature in common—although their subject is communication, they display a singular incapacity to communicate themselves. Perhaps on consideration this is not so surprising as it …
Hold Your Pride Under
I said earlier that in your troubles with Jon, you needed to seek out someone who could help you, humble yourself and ask for that help. There is one other point that needs to made about this. If the answer to your problem were obvious to you, then Jon wouldn’t be an out of control …
God’s Camouflage
“The Bible can be interpreted as a string of God’s triumphs disguised as disasters” (Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction, p. 304).
Sexual Orthodoxy
Things are pretty grim in Canada. Those who are up for a little appalling reading, and who still need to be convinced of my thesis statement, are encouraged to check it out here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. HT: The Pearcey Report One case involves a Pastor Boissoin, who wrote a letter to …
While Calling It Capitalism, Just to Keep Things Jumbled
“Modern statism is a return to mercantilism, to forcible impoverishment of some in order to benefit others, to zero-sum thinking” (Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction, p. 279).
Flipping Through the Yellow Pages
So your son is out of control, and you feel helpless. You don’t know what to do. If you tell him to do something, and he doesn’t want to, he throws down and there you are. He is defiant, says that he hates everybody, and you know the rest of the drill. And yet Scripture …
Simple Pimple
I have finished Rodney Clapp’s book, and enjoyed it a good deal. This post will be on his penultimate chapter — on violence and peace, and my last post, following shortly thereafter, will be on the central contradiction that has plagued Clapp’s attempt to work through these issues. This post will be fairly short because …
A Barrier to Help
Over the years, I have seen many hard cases of difficult kids not effectively loved by their fathers. Because I don’t see the problem disappearing, I thought I would post a series of short pointed exhortations to a dad who has a problem child. The child actually has a problem dad, but the child doesn’t …
And That, To Use An Old-Fashioned Word, Is False
“The great fallacy of our time, Malcolm Muggeridge has written, is the one that says that we may pursue collective virtue apart from personal behavior” (Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction, p. 264).