Greeting Cards and the Atonement

Afflicted with pretty much everything, the modern church is certainly looking around for remedies. But where and how we look for these remedies remains a function of what ails us, and we are not yet desparate enough to ask for directions to the divine pharmacy. How are we to explain our general cultural irrelevance? On …

Approaching Democratic Realities

“When a European jihadist blows something up, that’s not in defiance of a democratic reality but merely a portent of democratic reality to come. He’s jumping the gun, but in every respect things are moving his way. You may vaguely remember seeing some flaming cars on the evening news toward the end of 2005. Something …

The Silence of Live Meaning

“Never has there been a more hectic prodigality or specialized erudition—in literary studies, in musicology, in art history, in criticism, and in that most Byzantine of genres, the criticism and theory of criticism. Never have the metalanguages of the custodians flourished more, or with more arrogant jargon, around the silence of live meaning” (George Steiner, …

Candy Prizes at a Kids’ Party

The next chapter of Dreher’s Crunchy Cons was really, really good. I say this because he went after some pet peeves of mine with a meat axe. The chapter was entitled “Home,” but a more informative title would have been something like “The Architecture of Home.” “Drive through a historic district of any town or …

True “Soul”

“We are told, in tones of punitive hysteria, either that our culture is doomed—this being the Spenglerian model of rational apocalypse—or that it can be resuscitated only through a violent transfusion of those energies, of those styles of feeling, most representative of ‘third-world’ peoples. Theirs is true ‘soul,’ theirs the beauty of blackness and eros. …

Feminist Hatred of Women: Exhibit 178

“The Muslim critique of the West—that we’re decadent vulgar narcissist fornicating sodomites—is not without more than a grain of truth. But when the fastest-breeding demographic group on the planet is also the one most resistant to the pieties of the social-democratic state, that presents a severe challenge, at least for the Left. In their bizarre …