Food Allergies or Food Phobia?

Here is a short statement or sketch on something that I hope to develop some more in the near future. I speak of the comparatively new and alarming trend in Christian circles toward the demonization of certain basic foods. I am not speaking of those who have genuine allergies, but rather to a larger, culture-wide …

Church and Kingdom Distinct

“When we envision the kingdom of God on earth we are not envisioning everything under the authority of the church. We’re envisioning everything under the authority of King Jesus . . . Christ’s kingship is wider than His rule over the church” (Steve Schlissel, Christian Culture in a Multicultural Age, p. 8).

Hidden Under the Lights

“Faking of the words and pictures to fit the theme has been particularly prevalent in compilation programmes which purport to reconstruct out of stock footage some historical scene or happening . . . The accumulated documentation of our time will be so vast, and for one reason and another, so slated, that posterity will know …

News As the Ephemeral Foundation of the Air Castle of All Media

“But, of course, the essential quest has been for news. This is the Unholy Grail, the ultimate fantasy on which the whole structure of the media is founded. Shouted down a telephone, tapped out on a teleprinter, carried breathlessly to the stone to catch the edition, beamed by satellite through the stratosphere, whispered confidentially in …

Because the World is a Story

A short time after 9-11 occurred, I had an online debate/discussion with Andrew Sandlin on the question of whether Christians can speak prophetically about the providential meaning of events in our own time. Of particular interest was the question of whether or not we can say that a particular event or disaster was God’s judgment …