Visionaries, Would someone please tell the State Department to stop denouncing homicide/suicide bombers as cowardly? They are lots of wicked things, but being cowards is not one of them. Cordially, Douglas “Apologetics in the Void” are repostings from an on-going electronic discussion and debate I had some time ago with members of our local …
Bookrack Notice
Halfway down the bookrack on the right side here, please note the release of Omnibus I from Veritas Press. We learned a lot in the production of this great textbook for 7th graders, and Lord willing, and the creeks don’t rise, Omnibus II will be ready for 8th graders by this comingĀ fall.
Relativism Embraces the Stars and Bars
Dear visionaries, Afternoon, kids! No need to worry — I’ll keep it brief. Kudos to Robert for doing a decent job of reading/hearing what we have actually been saying. Non-kudos to Susan for linking me to a web site I had never heard of, and for a tightly-reasoned argument that did everything but what it …
No Buttercup
You are the people of God, and as Christians you bear the name of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord God is jealous for His name, and so we know from His Word that He will deliver His people from the troubles that confront them. He does not always deliver us on the …
More On IVP
Since I posted something on the Judy Brown problem earlier today, I thought I should follow up by posting the following statement released by IVP just a short time ago. Here it is: InterVarsity Press April 8, 2005 InterVarsity Press learned on April 7, 2005, that Dr. Judy L. Brown, the contributor of an article …
IVP. Again.
We should want to categorize something like this in the category of beyond unspeakable. Judy L. Brown, an evangelical egalitarian, contributed to an IVP book called Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity Without Hierarchy. Nothing out of the ordinary so far — just the normal IVP monkeyshines. She was the pastor of a Salem Covenant Worship Center, …
Simplistic Categories
Dear visionaries, A brief response to Larry. The reason Tom’s newspaper response did not interact with the controversy and criticism is that from the outbreak of this controversy in the paper, the facts have been consistently misrepresented. Our private school found itself in an editorial inkbath created by journalistic ineptitude, and in contrast to this, …
A Political Agenda?
Dear visionaries, There are two ways to find out our “agenda” for the future of the fair town of Moscow. One of them would be to go back into the 20/20 archives and reread all our previous discussions on this subject. We haven’t changed our minds since then. Another cool way to find out would …
Relativism and the Mistreatment of Women
Dear visionaries, Susannah’s questions presuppose a foundational solidarity and allegiance between all men, based on gender alone, and a solidarity of all women, based on gender alone. But there are other factors affecting what she lists, things like suspect statistics, Hinduism, famine, wars, etc. But when it comes to those things that really are done …
Dear visionaries, This all-male school board thingy is turning into the Energizer Bunny of topics. Oh, well. William asked why, given my theology, I would seek a woman’s input or opinion on this or any other matter. Given the rhetorical distance between our camps, this kind of assumption is certainly a natural one, but I …