We come to this Table every week. For some Christians, this repetition means that we will necessarily drift into religious complacency or sloth. This does happen, and so the Word must always accompany the sacrament, to keep us mindful of our responsibilities here. But one of those responsibilities is to be repetitive. The liturgy of …
Morning Star Ventures
A friend of mine has a venture out of Alaska (through the magic of the web) that is worth checking out. You can find it here.
Big News
Now that the papers are all signed, and my attorney says that there is nothing that can be done about it, I suppose this would be a good time to announce that through the generous help of a third party my wife and I have bought the Moscow Food Coop. For me to have been …
Terri Schiavo, R.I.P.
Now that Terri Schiavo has passed away, she has entered into the presence of our God and Father, whose complete justice and thorough mercy is uncorrupted by any court decisions of our federal and state judiciary system. Let us pray that she met her God in the grace and kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ. …
Behind Closed Doors
I have heard a few commentators say that at least the Terri Schaivo debacle has taught many Americans the importance of having a living will. It ought to have taught no such thing. This is not to say that having a living will is useless or ought to be rejected out of hand. It is …
Keeping the Kids in Line
Dear visionaries, Steve notes that the initial question asked of me has gone unanswered in the flurry of discussion. “What should we tell our daughters?” We should teach them what we believe, which is that men are called by God to sacrifice, love, lead, provide, protect and honor, and women are called to answer this …
Secret Tunnels
Someday I hope to write a full account of the last two years’ worth of controversy. Such an account would have to cover the waterfront — young fatheads, illegal gambling, slavery, Intoleristas, the bearded lady incident, postmodern encroachments into the conservative Reformed world, Auburn Avenue theology, N.T. Wright, and the Shroud Indignation Support Group. One …
Terri Schaivo and Postmodern Law
As Andrew Lytle noted, we like to think of ourselves as modern men, but actually we have the affliction of being momentary men. Because we are momentary men, sound-byte men, the problem with political and civic conflicts is that everything reduces to pushing and shoving in the present, and no one really cares about consistency …
The Shroud of Turin is an amazing artifact. And it has also been amazing to me to watch as my son figured out a plausible way to account for how it may have been made. But an amazement beyond all these has been brought on by watching those with an inability (or in some cases, …
The Death Lobby Overeaches
As I write this, it looks as though all legal options are exhausted in the fight for Terri Schiavo’s life. It also looks like the option of intervention by Gov. Bush is extremely unlikely. If Gov. Bush had decided to send in the National Guard, it would have been a constitutional exercise of a governor’s …