Alternating Alternative

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“Thus with the ‘alternative’ face lift, ‘rebellion’ continues to perform its traditional function of justifying the economy’s ever-accelerating cycles of obsolescence with admirable efficiency . . . Ever since the 1960s hip has been the native tongue of advertising, ‘antiestablishment’ the vocabulary by which we are taught to cast off our old possessions and buy whatever they have decided to offer this year . . . Are you vaguely pissed off at the world? Well, now you get to start proving it all over again, with flannel shirts, a different brand of jeans, and big clunky boots. And in a year or two there will be an ‘alternative’ to that as well, and you’ll get to do it yet again” [Frank and Weiland, editors, Commodify Your Dissent, (New York, W.W. Norton and Company, 1997), p. 151.]

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