Monocovenantalism, a Great Word, or What?

One of the charges leveled against me for my Auburn Avenuing is that of monocovenantalism. But what is that, exactly? If the critics mean that I hold that there has only been one covenant throughout the history of mankind, then the charge is false. God made one covenant with mankind in Adam, and He made …

Education and a Theology of Children

  Education, like everything else we undertake, has countless methods we can get tangled up in. Instead, we need to be using those same methods in faith. Covenant keeping cannot be done by our works, or any autonomous effort that we might supply. Covenant keeping is promise believing — nothing more, and nothing less. But …

The Greatest is Faith

Once a young minister was summing up what he believed was the safest sermon he had ever preached. This had become necessary because certain members of the session had begun looking at him funny, and making comments that had words in them like hypercovenantal and not Klinean, and phrases like “went to seminary with.” So …