INTRODUCTION As we seek to gather in our hearts and minds the message of this wonderful book, we can the heart of it here in the last passage. Just as we need to summarize, so does Paul. THE TEXT: Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. As …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #3
“But to protect the importance of faith we do not have to deny His presence, which is what many people, in opposition to formalism, want to do. They say, ‘No, we don’t want to find Christ in the water, we want to find him just by faith.’ But Luther and Calvin’s point is that the …
North of Riggins
A retired philosophy prof from the University of Idaho (the largest educational body north of Riggins, also in Idaho) has taken up a new hobby. Nick Gier, for that is the gentleman’s name, has some correspondence going with TRACS, the body from which New St. Andrews is seeking accreditation. His concerns are three-fold. First, I …
Was Jesus Faithless?
What I would like to do in brief compass is explain how a particular understanding of a pre-fall covenant of works requires us to say that Jesus was faithless. In short, I want to explain the problem some have with our rejection of their covenant of works, and then explain the problem with that problem. …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #2
“All who are baptized into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, recognizing the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead, the incarnation of the Son and his priestly sacrifice, whether they be Greeks, or Arminians, or Romanists, or Lutherans, or Calvinists, or the simple souls who do not …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #1
“More and more it has occurred to me that the big issues between the Anabaptists and the Reformers of classical Protestantism are still among the biggest unresolved agonies of modern American Protestantism.” Hughes Oliphant Old, The Shaping of the Reformed Baptismal Rite (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1992), p. x.
The Yeast of True Service
Growing Dominion, Part 3 So God has assigned to us the responsibility of exercising dominion in the world. He has done this in the cultural mandate given to Adam, in the cultural mandate that was renewed with Noah, and then, ultimately, in the Great Commission that was given to followers of Christ after His resurrection. …
Shooting Past Each Other
A battlefield is a bad place for the naïve, but once there was a young man who through a series of circumstances found himself in just that position. He was not fearful, but in his naiveté he thought that the great conflict going on around him was simply an enormous misunderstanding. The reason this happened …
The Food of the Gospel
Jesus commands us to labor for the food which endures more than just a short time — food which endures to everlasting life. He tells us also not to give ourselves in idolatrous labor for that food which necessarily perishes. Jesus says that the Son of man will give us the bread that does not …
Vintage 3
Blended, rich, mingled smooth like sanded oak. Light, not frivolous. Her taste is fruit with weight, textured chocolate. Wood-aged in the barrel, For all these years with me. She is my tawny port.